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RE: 1895 Remington Standard Typewriter No.6...

in #life7 years ago

I learned to type on a mechanical typewriter in high school. I wanted to meet girls, but I learned to type instead, just in case I might need it someday. I did.

I not only learned type on a keyboard with zero power assist, I learned to pound those keys hard. As a result, most of the keyboards I've used have disappearing letters like A, S, C, X, V and N. If there is a control key shortcut attached to the letter, I nailed it, over and over again.

I also whack the space bar pretty good, too. I'm better now, but with enthusiasm comes force.

Thanks for sparking those memories with that picture.


LOL... Ha, I was the same way.. pounding them keys.. I usually made a scene in class, just for the fun of it..
Wasn't that good in class, but it paid off... Thanks for the reply..