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RE: Humanity - Still A Barbaric Species?

in #life7 years ago

I believe that day will come when we can all just raise human beings. It's a cycle of abuse that starts with how we raise our kids. I've seen the incredible inhumanity of how we treat our kids, from paddling in schools to school shootings to human trafficking.

We can stop that cycle by ditching the whole "reward and punishment" concept of child discipline and just start collaborating with our kids to solve problems when kids make mistakes. No judgment, no confrontation. Just straight out, "Oh, you made a mistake. How can we fix it and prevent it from happening again - together?"

A great book to read on this very subject is Raising Human Beings, by Dr. Ross W. Greene. That is perhaps the best book I've ever read on human behavior and I live my life by it. I even wrote this article after reading it:

*Plan B for humanity"

Civilization starts with the kids.


The way children are raised is a huge factor that comes into play. Children can be shaped in whatever ways their parents like and thus it is their duty to make them into good human beings capable of doing the right things.