Here is an old piece of art I made while I was still relatively new with Steemit. Back then drawing or art contests are sprouting left and right and I could hardly keep up with them. I do not even recall the name of the contest to which I submitted this entry. Looking at it I can tell that the challenge is to use what colors the organizer had set and make a character.
Geez, these colors look awful to me no offense I think these were chosen with the intention of testing our creativity. Can you create something good out the colors that you do not normally choose when creating a character? Artists well most of them get affected by their mood, emotion, and what not and throwing in some difficult colors to work with would send me out the door. I am glad I stick with it and was proud of this creation. I was a newbie I did not know what was happening here perhaps I miss some requirements or forgot to upload this photo on the right thread I do not know. Perhaps this was not even noticed by whoever is judging. That was part of the experience and I learned from it.
I think this piece deserves a throwback. I could not start to think about the number of hours or minutes I spent in completing this art because right now I am not confident enough if I can dedicate that amount of time into something that I would create. Well, I am speaking in the now. Maybe next time I am more confident and more inspired.
Thank you friends for being there always. It was a good steemit journey after all.
This is another version of the character but I took a different turn and decided to shelve it . What do you think guys? Which is better? This one or the one above? Write your comments below.
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In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie
thank you
What a great juxtaposition in that character
The smiling innocent looking face of a harmless creature
Carrying those murderous blades
I think there's that bit more in the c1st
Shame you didn't enter, but thanks for sharing
And keep up the great work - I'm now following to see more of it
Thank you. I also noticed that innocent face carrying deadly weapons maybe I was trying to balance it back then. I felt the same way I should have used the first one. :)