Why are some people smarter than others? Why can some people easily master a new language, write a book, open a theory of relativity and come up with Tesla, and others can not do it? The questions are just, and they have the answer.
The mind is how clearly we think and quickly remember how easily we can learn new information and analyze what is available. All this is the cognitive ability of the brain: memory, attention, thinking. These abilities at birth do not differ in different people: the brain is the same for you, and for Ilona Mask.
However, the work of the brain depends on the number and diversity of synapses. These are the joints between the neurons that ensure their activity. The more synapses, the steeper and faster the brain works.
Ilon Mask is so cool, because the number of synapses in his brain is much larger than that of others. But not because he was born this way, but because he is working on himself.
What to do to become smarter
To develop cognitive abilities, you need training. It can be a game of chess or musical instruments, solving crossword puzzles and Sudoku, an account in the mind. Nothing phenomenal, just a mental load. However, the same type of tasks develop the brain only to a certain level.