If we go through very bad situations, and we are wise, we can learn from the mistakes made to avoid them, if on the contrary we only complain and victimize ourselves, we will find that we have suffered in vain, and there is nothing worse than suffering without knowledge, because it is useless, and it condemns us to live it again.
To me, this sentence is the most critical one to consider. It is not possible to be a creator and a victim at the same time. We must choose one or the other. We literally create our own reality, beginning with our thoughts. No amount of hard work will bring "good" results to a victim because their victim mentality is continually attracting "bad" things to them.
I totally agree with that. In fact, I think that people who victimize themselves like to be victims, because in that way they don't take responsibility for their lives. People who are not responsible for their lives can not improve it, because they don't control it. It's about owning our lives.