Where are you from? A little story about myself.

in #life9 years ago

Where are you from?

I was born in a little city called Maracay, it is located in Aragua State of Venezuela. Not a big place, very hot and sometimes you think about it being a simple town without much to offer. My mom and dad are from Colombia and left their home country 37 years ago running from the armed conflict in which Colombia have been involved for at least 50 years. My dad did everything he could to put food on our table even though he was a victim of xenophobia from the people who noted his Colombian accent. In the 80s Colombia didn’t have a good reputation with their fellow neighbors or the whole world. Colombians looking for new homes and peace were looked at as drug dealers, thieves, job stealers and everything bad you can think of.

As I grew up I noticed Venezuela wasn’t really my home country, I didn’t feel I belonged here, but I didn't feel I belonged in Colombia Neither. That big imaginary line that was drawn 200+ years ago was not able to determine from where I was. My friends here in Venezuela though I was Colombian, and when I went to Colombia everybody thought I was Venezuelan. I was right in the middle I could say I felt like that stupid line you can't even see. There is where that feeling of being a citizen of the world started to grow.

I've had the opportunity to travel many countries and in any of them I have found that strange feeling of being in my home. Being where I belonged. But where it’s that?

Not Brazil.

Not Colombia.

Not Aruba.

But love show me you don't need to be from somewhere, you just need to know where you want to go next. You need to go and find what you like and what is there for you. And let me tell you, the world is out there and we my friends are citizens of it. Don’t let an imaginary line tell you otherwise, make the world your home. And be proud of being part of the human race.

Angel falls. One of the most amazing places you will see. Connect yourself with the world and let go of those chains called borders.


I hear you man. Always caught a bit of shit for my family being where they are from, but when I go to the 'old country' I'm the American.

I don't think though that removing borders will get rid of people being assholes ever though. I remember thinking that the kids from the neigborhood next to me were all losers and un-tough, as compared to the kids from my neighborhood. Just a people problem. Nice to meet you!

You are right it is something of a higher level. Thanks for your comment.