Camping and Gear Review Videos. Rambling thoughts...

in #life6 years ago


You know, when you watch a product review on any video platform, it's amazing how they can do the darn thing in less than a few minutes. I've found that for me, it takes a long while to really show something and how well or poorly it performs. For instance, The tents that I reviewed. There was just no way to condense the video's down to just a few minutes. I figured, people would want to see them in the real world, so off to the camping spot we went, come rain or shine, you would get to see their strong and weak points as they appear, going way beyond the simple specs. Anybody can just rattle off specifications.


I do tend to ramble on, but you know, we're on a camping trip and that's just how it goes. Their's just so much to talk about with all of you, my good friends. At least I hope you're all my good friends. I've come to the understanding that long videos can get boring, so if people head off to other entertainment, then so be it. I wouldn't want to hold any good person captive at my real campsite whether on video or not.


I think that when I do a review, I will place the critical data, or at least the highlights of it at the front and then invite the viewer to watch and possibly learn more bits of info for their trouble. There's just so much you want to tell about stuff you're testing, but many things come to you as you go through the process of using said stuff.


The other thing is that I would like to find ways to liven up the videos without resorting to BS fakery and gimmicks. The simple truth of it is that most of camping is quiet and a lot of talking to pass the time. Every now and again, something will happen, like a deer coming into your camp, or owls making their noises, maybe even coyotes coming close around the site, but for the most part, it's generally a quiet night. We do have homeless people and transients from time to time, or a girl with her dog who likes to jog in the mornings up there, but its mostly a place to just unwind and relax. Generally, most camping is like this.


To be honest, it gets me out of the house, which at this time is healthy for my sanity. Also, there's just something about camping solo that gets the lifeblood flowing. When you aren't on a campground, in a place without rangers and that level of playpen safety, your senses will heighten, and every noise in the night could be anything. You won't get much sleep, but you will get a thrill or two. Even with permission of the owners of the land, it's still that way, because the land cant be guarded at all times, and people regularly enter. Some are harmless, like 'jogging girl', but some? You never know.


In all things out there, you can only depend on you.