Life is meaningless if you lose your purpose.
Had a follow up check-up with my doctor last Saturday only to hear ill news about my current situation. I've been running test for the past few days and got the my result why there's always an excruciating pain in my lower section of stomach . Unfortunately, there's an infection that needs to be treated immediately, I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) It's a condition that affects my hormone level that also affect ovulation. I had history of ectopic pregnancy and my remaining tube has narrowed. The doctor told me to get pregnant as early due to my condition and suggested the best way and safest way for me is IVF (a medical procedure whereby an egg is fertilized by sperm in a test tube or elsewhere outside the body) which cost a million in my country. Since the natural way isn’t the best thing for me. I'm really inquisitive person and I really do ask a lot of question especially if it's about my health. But after receiving those bad news I can't even say a word not a single word comes out of my mouth. I walked out the room not knowing what to do anymore. I tried to stay calm as much as possible cause I don't want anybody see me crying. But, I'm just a woman, I'm fragile and soft.
I came out of the hospital holding back my tears. Trying not to cry after receiving a bad news is really hard. I thought I was tough but I'm not. I ended up in a grocery parking lot crying myself like a baby. I remember reading a line from a book. CRYING IS NOT A SIGN OF WEAKNESS, CRYING IS A SIGN OF STRENGTH. After picking up my pieces, I tried to walk away from where I was hoping that at some point I will get the strength to move forward and find meaning in my life. I shared my ill news to my sisters and they did everything to comfort me and I'm thankful for having sisters like them.
As days passed by, I tried to convince myself that there's still hope for me. Maybe one day crypto can help me on my current situation. As of now it's impossible for me and the only thing I can do is wait.
I'm currently treating myself with medication and my doctor told me to exercise a lot.
These are notes my doctor told me after telling what my current situation is:
Prepare yourself to be stress. You may feel emotionally drained. Try to distract yourself. Try reading or doing something that might occupy your mind. Being kind to yourself is the best medicine. I've read this line from somewhere I don’t recall but I'll try to practice it to myself. Let non-essential things slide during your down time. E.g.: Cheat day diet, eating a slice of chocolate cake would help or Instead of working try to take a leave or a vacation if you can. Stay positive. I know how hard it is cause I've been there. Look at the bright side and always remember there's always something to be thankful for. Cry, remember it is okay to cry. It is the body's way to not only reduce emotional stress.

我想说的是: 加油,一旦你战胜了自己,就不会再有任何东西让你畏惧
Though it's not easy for me, but somehow somewhere I'll figure something out. Thank you @alexkong!
So sorry to hear this news Dem, how devastating! In the short time I've known you, it seems you are incredibly resilient and strong. You will no doubt pull through and I'm happy to hear you have support from your family!
Here's a friendly and supportive hug all the way from Minneapolis, MN!
Thank you @jrb450 for the kind and supportive words! I'll make it through somehow there's always a way in life unless we give up! Thank you!
I wish you all the best Nem, stay strong. Perhaps we could try to help if you gave us your bts address :)
All the best.