It began early in school. A grumpy teacher using a bold red pencil marked each and every mistake. I for one learned to fear making mistakes. Things became black and white with no room or tolerance for error.
Today I took some profit from the recent jump in crypto currencies. Of course, the long established fear of mistakes instantly began to beat me up. Even without time to pass or prices to change I feel stupid: a silly clown.
What if I can't buy back in? I feel a correction is coming, but what if I am wrong? Will I see a big red circle on today's test?
The point is we all must overcome fear. Some fear success, others embarrassment, or maybe failure. Fear by nature blocks progress. Part of the reason I decided to press the sell button was to challenge my fear. I don't need it.
Learning comes as a result of trial and error. Keep trying!
Here is today's beauty.
After the current bull run, definitely there should be a correction.
Taking profit is always a good thing. If you start to FOMO or second guess that's when you start making loosing trades my friend. I sold some BCH for profit. Could I have made more if I would have held longer, yes, but I don't even look at the price I sold because all I need to remember is it was a good trade at the time.
Hindsight is always 20/20.