You're labels, attempts to discredit and attempts to distract from the truth of this issue are well known tactics and easily recognisable. Your singular consession regarding interactions in the schedule seems to serve only to make your statements seem reasonable because you barely touch on several other critical points.
What are you talking about?
I spend an inordinate amount of time addressing the anti-vaccine arguments. If I did it for every single anti-vaccine post I would get nothing done with my day.
I assume the label you accuse me of using was part of the joke at the end of my comment. It's a joke and if it fits you, then so-be-it. It was meant to be partially a joke and partially to see if you take it to heart. What other conspiracy theory and new age quackery are you in to? (rhetorical question)
My "concession" was due to it being perfectly reasonable. No agenda on my part at all. My point there was that this is something I agree with you about. Why do you need to throw a wrench into an area we have common ground?
My M.O. is moderation and balance. If we both can alter our views and opinions to where the facts take us, then we all stand to gain. I tried to offer an olive branch and show where we agree, and you still find fault with it. I can't win, so why do I try?
You've made a grave error in your research. Take a look at your Chemical Warfare argument and see if you can find it.
Good luck in your search for the truth. Your hatred for "Big Pharma" and I assume other large government agencies is clouding your reason. There really is a point where people need to be more discerning of the information they listen to.
If you are truly attempting to be moderate and balanced, which I can accept, (I know what it's like to accidentally come across in ways we don't intend on occasion,) then please, instead of trying to find fault with an honestly stated position 'not anti vaccine.' Don't cast aspersions regarding spurious associations with conspiracy and other unrelated subjects. Instead, address the issues stated. You have not addressed a fraction of the issues raised in my original post.
I didn't like the flippant tone of your post nor your 'joke' at the end, but there's no hard feelings ;))
I've done months and months of research into this subject. Have you done the same? What I have found is an unconscionable system of abuse to make money that is totally in denial of the harm it causes. The destruction of trust in pharmaceutical companies, the government and medical establishment on every level with regards to vaccines.
Would you inject your child with a vaccine that was potentially contaminated with glyphosate?