Would you inject your child with a vaccine that was potentially contaminated with glyphosate?
You are forming a flawed question.
There is no proof that glyphosate is in vaccines other than a test by a team of two that have already written papers suggesting that glyphosate causes autism and that are trying to find a link between vaccines and autism. Seneff is a computer scientist and makes unsubstantiated claims like " At today’s rates, by 2025, half the kids born will be diagnosed with autism,". While the test Anthony Samsel's used was intended for testing water, and is a preliminary test which isn't as accurate as the more expensive test one would then do next. Once again designed for testing water, not vaccines. Let me know when you find a more accurate result by independent testing facilities using equipment designed for the substance you're testing (vaccines) and I will change my tune.
Then they hypothesize that the glyphosate got in to the vaccine by other unsubstantiated guesses. Pigs and chickens eat foods that are sprayed with Roundup, so that is how the trace amounts of glyphosate got in the vaccines. That's nothing you can rely on. That is just a guess informed by their agenda. It may be true, but they haven't proven it.
The reviews the two authors have published have been in a journal called Entropy which has been called in to question regarding it's review process.
So I'm to believe that you aren't against vaccines, you merely want "organic, non-GMO, unadulterated vaccines"? Is that what you're saying?
You want to believe that big pharma doesn't care about humans and will put poisons in vaccines we give to children and I can't disabuse you of your thoughts and world view.
spurious associations with conspiracy
Such as?
The destruction of trust in pharmaceutical companies, the government and medical establishment on every level with regards to vaccines.
Ok, so are you going on record saying that you think:
Conspiracy theorists are usually nuts?
Pseudoscience is a waste of time?
Birthers are nuts?
Truthers are nuts?
Homeopathy and similar alternative medicine is worthless at best and dangerous at worst?
If you can't, then my "joke" is fitting and you shouldn't take offense.
instead of trying to find fault with an honestly stated position 'not anti vaccine.'
You may think it's honestly stated, but it's not. Please restate your opinion more accurately. It's clear that I am "not anti-vaccine", right? And our opinions are nearly opposite, so how can you also be "not anti-vaccine"? I tried to point out how you were not "not anti-vaccine", in many arguments, but you still can't see it.
It seems very obvious to me from your stated positions of government, big pharma, and medical establishment being evil entities that are creating vaccines designed to harm our children that you can't be "not anti-vaccine". You think glyphosate and other toxins are in vaccines, so how can you be "not anti-vaccine"?
If you believe all of the things you say, then you must be anti-vaccine. You think all those things are in the vaccines, so it's reasonable that you are anti-vaccine. I don't see evidence for it, so I'm pro-vaccine. What am I missing here?
sorry this is so long. Good night.