I don't trust vaccines or anything the pharmaceutical companies put out.
Anti-biotics save lives every hour. You're throwing the baby out with the bath water. Your statement is merely talk. If you don't think blood pressure medication, anti-biotics and hundreds of other drugs are not effective and life-saving then I really don't know what to say.
Why would we trust strangers with our lives?
Because that is what humans do. You are trusting humans to prepare your food at the restaurant to not put poison in them, you're trusting someone driving on the road next to you to obey laws, you're trusting the Fire Department to come and put out fires, to name a few. There is every reason we should trust our fellow humans and for people to make blanket statements about distrust of others... Once again I don't get how people can become so fanatical in their views.
We've been brainwashed into blindly trusting authority.
Yes, now you're on to something! Society is much to trusting of authority and celebrity and powerful people, etc. However, sometimes it is warranted to trust someone or some thing in order for us to make smart decisions.
Once again, moderation and balance is the key. Arm yourself with credible information as best you can and don't totally disregard something that has a track record once there are incidents that are not up to previous standards. To wit: Just because there are fraudulent research papers, doesn't mean the system of scientific research should be disregarded. Relying on reading tea leaves and lumps on someone's head is not a reasonable alternative.
Yea, but because they have put out a lot of bad drugs I don't trust them. I've had too many bad experiences and if I didn't learn from them that would be dumb. Maybe there are times you can't avoid drugs but I will look into everything now instead of blindly consuming.
There you go! That's the right attitude. All I ask is that you be careful of the sources of the information you use to make your informed decisions.
There are competing forces at work and there is a happy medium between the two camps. It is impossible to know what is the best protocol for every health problem. Sometimes going to the doctor to get their opinion is not necessary, and other times it's critical and ones only choice for a superior outcome. It is always better to get more information from a knowledgeable source versus ignorance. Hopefully, just like finding a good car mechanic, you have found a good physician that looks after you instead of their own pocketbook.
Good luck and thanks for not taking my comments the wrong way.