When most of us hear the word faith we think of organized religion or other spiritual traditions. It is as if the only kind of faith possible is one where we give away our own idea of what faith is to subscribe to someone else’s belief. We may have faith in ourselves or others, but this is a more calculated and rational faith, something we almost don’t even consider to be the same thing as a spiritual faith.
It’s more like a calculated risk that suggests we have faith in our own or another person’s predictability and their ability to create a specific, desired outcome.
Is there another type of faith? A faith in the rhythm of life which may forever remain unseen or unpredictable, yet possesses a general support of life that we can trust. One that is evolving in ways which may be hidden to us, yet consistently carries us to people, places and things that give us an opportunity to grow. Our choice in the matter is what we do in these situations and how we relate to them.
The faith is in knowing that in any given moment we have what we need to bring the best version of ourselves to the world.
It may simply be to bear witness and do nothing. To experience patience, humility, joy, anger, fear, whatever part of us could use a nudge to become more engaged in life. A discussion about the purpose of life is certainly open for discussion and no one can say they know for sure what that is. Maybe it changes in every moment based on the collective actions that have come before it?
No matter what life’s purpose ultimately is or whether there is one at all, we can have faith that life has brought us to this moment and it's perfect.
Considering the nearly impossible mathematical odds of this happening, can we suggest that life may in fact possess everything we need and have faith in that? That whatever we need to move forward is available to us if we choose to look for it and get outside our idea of a fixed outcome to every situation. To admit we do not truly know what comes next, no matter how predictable our lives seem to be. Yet still have faith that life will provide us with whatever it is we need to take the next step
How are the mathematical odds nearly impossible?
It quite certainly happened, so I'd say that one out of one times, "this" happens. All data points to our existence as it is.
Fair enough. I'm pointing at the scientific calculations that take into account the numerous variables that scientists believe are required to support carbon based life forms. However, I agree with your point. It happened, so the odds are essentially 1 to 1.
Yeah, I play a game of strong, strict cause-and-effect determinism.
I don't think a dice roll is random. Each little breeze, each tumble, and each factor that goes into slowing the dice once they hit the surface, all can be calculated. You can figure it out.
All dice rolls, if you accounted for every single factor and did the math, could be predicted every time. If you have enough information, every single event in the universe could be predicted as well, even if you're starting at 1 second after a big bang type event. If you know the physical and chemical laws, as well as the position and movement of all things, you'll know exactly what will happen.
Hmmm, we differ greatly on this point. This is exactly why I think science ultimately fails. It only has hindsight to determine it's truthfulness. Science is just an evolutionary step beyond organized religion to help explain reality. It misses the illusory nature of all phenomenon.
I would disagree on the concept of the nature of all phenomenons being illusions.
I'm not sure how that'd work out. Remember that you're only an evolved animal.
There is more to the universe than you can sense, as well as more to it than you can comprehend.
There is a direct path to truth if you are willing to look. It's the simplest thing in the world. You don't need a teacher or a path. You are all you need.
Some of the phrases and metaphorical language you use sounds like it's straight out of my stories and songs.
Thank you for the read and response. Going to follow back now.