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RE: The Golden One

in #life2 years ago

If I'd received such a gift on Mothering Sunday I'd be shrieking with joy, I'm a bit obsessed with bamboo. Tho they say it is invasive, it takes a good 5 or so years, I've found, before it gets to it's "I'm off, shooting under the ground to all sorts of hidden spots". My next acquisiton is to get a big pot of the Timber bamboo they grow in China and well, use as timber. We have a little 3 acre woodland and I've picked out a spot, look out pines, azaleas, birch and oak, you've got a tall 'grass' coming to join you.

Tho, I've never got a Mothering Sunday gift as I've only ever been the 'mother' to things either furred or feathered and they never seem to make down to the shops or up to my bedroom with breakfasts, tho to be fair, my chicken and quail children "Technically" give me breakfast everyday, tho almost never in bed...In fact I have to go to THEIR beds to get the eggs, but you get the idea.

I hope all had a lovely day on your early Mother's day.


I am a tad obsessed with the ole bamboo too. I would love to get one of the timber ones! I have started growing one near my house but I dont think it will quite take off due to the weather and the like, Buit you never know!. Think of all the free giant woody canes. Such craft possibilities!

Hehe, You might have to go and fetch them but that sounds like a fabby daily breakfast gift! :OD