Prostration involves the five limbs that are based on the earth:
- forehead
- the nose
- both palms
- knee
- both ends of the foot (fingers).
Prostration is a concept
- humble themselves,
- praise Allah SWT and
- asking all kinds of intentions to Allah swt.
Simultaneously, erode:
- such a deplorable nature
arrogant, riya ', ujub,
arrogance etc.
Dr Fidelma O'Leary, PhD Neuroscience from St. Edward's University, has become a mu'allaf, having found the facts about the benefits of prostration for health.
In the study found that there are some nerves in the human brain that does not enter the blood and this vein is only entered into the blood when humans prostrate.
But these nerves only need blood for a few moments, that is, at the time of the prescribed prayer (Shubuh, Dzhuhur, 'Ashar, Maghrib and' Isha).
Subhan Allah...
So, who does not pray then this vein does not receive blood so the brain is not functioning normally.
One indication is the emergence of various kinds of social phenomena in society who do not solat today.
Because of the location of the brain above the heart, Prof Hembing said, the heart is only able to channel 20% of blood to the human brain, then assisted with longer prostration in order to increase the power of blood flow to the brain.
This is in accordance with what the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, so we prostrate linger in the last raka'at.
The benefits of prolonged prostration are to:
Prevent dizziness
Avoid migraine
Refresh the brain
Sharpen the mind and
mind (more sensitive)Loosen the system
breathingImprove the bladder
the uterus that descendsMaintain and strengthen
the position of the baby inside
breech contents
and others.
And amazingly, if we notice, the nerves present in our brain are shaped like the one who is prostrate ...