Hypnosis is a state where your brain tends to be in a relax mood and could focus deep beyond your own consciousness. This may also result in quite unrealistic but is indeed factual method where the person being in this state could very well be responsive to suggestions given. This is now where controversy arises when the good end from hypnosis meets the bad one.

Hypnosis is being used clinically as psychotherapy, where the treatment focuses mainly on psychological aspect instead of medicinal. Hypnosis in this method could make a person seek deeper on the thoughts that is hidden, some memories or some painful experiences that when known by the psychiatrist may actually be helpful upon solving that person’s mental disorder.

On the other hand hypnosis, knowing the fact that you yourself blacking out and could potentially do what others wants you to do is a scary stuff. A lot of reports have been made about people being hypnotized and put into trance and then giving their money or any sort of important things.
So how does Hypnosis fair on your point of view?

Nice, on my own point of view hypnosis can also ease symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. A study showed in 2003. Saying 71 percent of 204 irritable bowestudyl syndrome patients reported improved symptoms after 12 weekly hour-long hypnosis sessions, the APA reported. Of those who reported improvements, 81 percent continued to feel better up to six years after the hypnosis treatment had ended. So hypnosis Is a good treatment for Stopping Smoking
Sports Psychology and Hypnosis ,Pain Management
Phobias, Tinnitus,
Anxiety and Stress Management
That is a very nice info you got there. Thank you for that great response it surely added to what Hypnosis could potentially do as treatment for longer run.