From little things to big ones and great things to the most obscure ones, everything is valued depending on how it is rated. Rating may come directly with numerical values such as how much stars it gets out of 10, or even just rating by other people’s opinion towards it. This is obviously necessary and as a matter of fact a good way to provide its own classifications. For people who don’t have any background for such things, referring on the rating might be a more convenient way to go for instead of losing their mind trying to figure stuffs up.

Despite the good things brought by this unspoken system, it also gives a whole lot of holes in itself. Keep in mind at how these ratings were made, obviously it shouldn’t be given by the same people liable for the thing being rated. These ratings were supposed to be formed by the combined opinions of different people. If you only look at it on that side it shouldn’t give any problem since it was the majority of the population who decided it. But if you look at it at a deeper perspective you should be able to realize that this would clearly obstruct the entirety of how a certain thing should be looked at.

Remember when I mentioned that these ratings were made by different people’s opinion? Every person provides their own outlook on things, so if bunch of people provide their own opinion then the rating should be a reflection on the overall opinions of everyone. But no, instead this would only highlight the majority of people’s opinion. Say for example if someone does two things, the first one having a good impact on majority and the other thing he does gives a great amount of grief to the minority. Instead of reflecting the entire opinion to that person, the only ones getting highlighted is the majority’s good opinion and neglecting the minority’s opinions. This in turn creates an overrating; since the bad things are overlapped with the good ones then the bad things just seemingly don’t exist anymore. Even if the majority would be aware of the bad things but since they are not affected by it then it would just be ignored. Instead of having a clear picture of the overall thing people instead gets blinded and would only mind half of the entire thing.

Biases are always around us no matter what, why? This is because each of us live by our own preference in life. But don’t let it blind you, living a great life while not knowing other peoples pain is a life full of lies. So start widening your views in life and act on what you know is right for all, not just for the majority but for everybody.

True! Overrating shadows opportunity for starters!!! Great post @draeden
Thankyou @angelspeaks :)
True. It sucks. Keep posting blogs like this.
Thankyou @barttalks
upvoted :) hahahahahah
Abtika hahahaha salamat
ako moy late muupvote hahaha Nice post pretty gurl HAHHA cheret. Upvoted