... to find about a hundred poems of mine, logged on an ancient poetry website, written as far back as 2003 [age 16 for me], all the way up to 2009 [age 22]... and I am now 30. And for anyone who knows me very closely, a whole $^#%-ing LOT has happened in just the last 8 years alone. I feel like I've lived too many lifetimes in one already. Oh well, it has made me who I am, and it has taught me valuable things.
I write song lyrics, and poetry, but for a long time I didn't write at all. I now know why, of course, but it's so funny that this would happen now that I am getting back into writing lyrics. It occurred to me to see if I could dig up my old password for this poetry site I remembered being a member of years before, and even though the password is fourteen years old, my brain spit it up when I zenned out for a moment. I also suddenly recalled my old username, and that alone was a miracle in itself.

So, I am going to do a very vulnerable thing [as all artists out there know], and share just a little bit of what was mostly only going to ever be personal art, written for myself and this little online community of poets who had joined that site back then.
You can see a window into my poetic styles, when I am NOT writing lyrics necessarily.
And also my imagination. My poetry was sometimes a reflection of my own emotions or relationships, but a lot of the time it was just imagination and invention.
Here are 3 of them. I will release more, as I so choose, from the 'younger me' vault.

For What Is


very good poetry, hoping someday could string up a word to be a nice poem like yourself.
Thats a great poetry ..I think you are great creator of steemit...Carry on your creativity my friend✌✌✌
We were all young once. That's the thing about maturing; you have to look down on who you were. Great poetry, really captures the passion of youth.
Hope you're healing up okay :)