Struggle for your aims, don't struggle for your life.

in #life9 years ago

A major portion of people between the age of twenties and thirties are not even clear about their life’s aim!
In the age between 20s and 30s, fresh blood is running in the veins of a man and his Willpower is at the top. It is the timespan when the youth is interested in doing everything to the fullest. Most people set their focuses on their careers and degrees. Some just spend their life in a corner, doing useless activities. But what should one do in utilizing this time in fruitful activities??

I will share some tips with you which are the backbone behind a successful career, mistakes: which are to be avoided and the aims and goals which should be one’s priority.

Mistakes- leading to the wrong path
A Genius is the one who learns from the experiences of the successful men, from their past, from their mistakes!
Many Students are in their universities in their early 20s, focusing too much on their academic studies too much. But this is not what is required for a well-privileged job. This is the prime time for focusing on leadership skills, grooming the personality and setting high aims.

People who do not learn from the past of other people are likely to get hurt by this brutal society. One should not waste his important time in useless activities such as using Internet facility for useless activities, hanging out with friends too much, visiting clubs and watching to many movies. Many people do not understand the society’s trend and are unable to cope with the fast moving society. Some people are supporting their families through their jobs, but the alarming thing is that they do not even try to for the betterment of their living standards by working hard and remained stick to the place where they are.

Focus and Goals
Develop Leadership Quality and Groom your personality.
To be on the right path and success, it is necessary for one to have leadership qualities. So one should focus to develop leadership qualities in himself by utilizing every opportunity at university or professional level and In this way, your personality grooms and prepares one for upcoming hard challenges.
Improve Communication Skills, Self-Confidence and be Expressive
− the first impression towards someone is one’s Communication skills. Besides personality, communication skills are also of prime importance. Having good speaking skills develop self-confidence. Being expressive in nature helps one to become prominent too!

The right moment will never be there - so go and do it.
Intelligent people do not wait for the right time to come; they create such opportunities for themselves!
Utilize energy in fruitful activities, Study Hard to grow and develop
Utilizing yourself in healthy and fruitful activities enhances one’s chances of promotion, so study hard even at any point in your life.

Execute your plan well and Focus on One Aim at a time
Before doing anything, research on that and then plan that activity. Focusing on too many things distort one’s mind so be selective in your selection and keep one thing at your mind’s focal point.

Invest in your Family, not in useless activities
Do not waste yourself in giving your precious time to the people who do not care about you, instead, invest in your family which will support you in the time of hardship.

Give Respect,Earn Respect
Respect is the most important factor. It is not offered on a plate. It is to be earned by hard work, so the hard and fast rule to earn respect is to give respect.

Some Struggle Some Prosper
After discussing all these goals, aims, and mistakes which are to be avoided; some people follow the steps of success but some do not. In the end, only those prosper that struggle for their aims, others just struggle for their life! So it is in your hand either you want to enjoy now or enjoy forever after a small struggle and hard work.


Many thanks for your valuable thoughts, @dragonho!

This theme and these thoughts very close to me. I'm 31. And now I see very clearly how much time I've wasted in the shuffle, though I never went out to clubs and I didn't usually spend time on empty entertainment. However, academic education can really take a lot of time, not giving really valuable skills for life.

The world is changing, but the modern system of education lags behind these changes. And it leads to disaster. Artificially constructed world of academic education very often makes people unprepared for the realities of life. So my dream is to create an alternative school, an alternative education system. And I hope that people like you will support the idea of reforming the educational system.

And I would like to add a couple of thoughts to your wonderful article. This is from personal experience. The most important thing is association. Tomorrow you will be the same as that you admire today. It is the first thing to do if you decided to change your lifestyle. More to listen and observe those who live as you dream.

The second is the food. Both theory and personal practice proves that the change of diet always leads to very serious changes in life.

The third is to write your goals and plans on a piece of paper. That is to plan your goals in writing.

Fourth, constantly learning. New knowledge and skills always give a sense of a full life. A day is wasted if I have not learned something new.

And finally - never to complain. If I complain, then I expect that the world will change, that people around me will change. And so you can wait your whole life. Responsibility is manifested in the absence of claims, accusations and complaints.

My plan was to write a separate post on that topic Lifestyle change etc. - and one needs to have a vision board hanging which one can see daily. I make one six months for the coming 12 months. And tick them off. But I suggest not more like 10 big things one wants to change or do.

👍nice post @dragonho , keep to read ur post..

WOO! Not only did they cut off his head. But he looks like he's missing some other part too.

Couldn't help laughing! :D

good post i like it :))

I feel like I can do anything now! Thanks for posting this..

Thank you for such a piercing motivation and attitude.


very motivational! i'm constantly striving for more and i refuse to give up. I've set my goals for steemit it too and as a blogger and hopefully i can fulfill them. Thanks for this inspiring post!

Nice post ;)
Thank you for advice's ;)

I agree with all of that! Very positive thinking-like :)

good post as always @dragonho 8]

wow amazing post you and very good

Hey dragonho,

there is nothing worse than wasted potential. Life is too short! One day we will wake up and regret things. That's why we never should waste our time an do things we love which bring ins further in life

oh yes wasted potential - some people just forget to unlock it

Yes setting goals and having the ability to follow through are surely huge factors in quality of life and accomplishment. I have found that even if you set a small goal like meditate 10 minutes every morning, after several days of reaching that goal strengthens your will and allows you to reach bigger and bigger goals while at the same time giving you a healthy dose of satisfaction which is a truly great feeling everyone should bathe in regularly!

yes its starting small and scaling up and one is amazed how fast one can make progress with a lot of things be it learning a language or sports. step by step

Yes i'm focusing on Meditation, Psychology, Philosophy, Occult, Jokes and Quotes mostly. I enjoy those topics and they are fun to write about to me. I think as more people come here, more people interested in those very same audience will read my articles and enjoy them. That is my hope at least! :)

I would like to add the following advice: Never give up on your dreams. You only fail, if you decide to quit. We all make mistakes, and sometimes we see little progress in our endeavors, but that is not failure. Like Thomas Edison once said when he was inventing the light bulb, "I haven't failed. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work".

exactly think on the big ones how many failure they have had until the break through

You know what i would add more to this?

Take a break from everything for a week, somewhere far, far away.
A place where you know your phone and laptop wont work, and... don't think about anything. Just spend time with yourself and a lot will come to you from that.

But as we are all old and... (oh my :-) ), what comes to mind is this :

wow amazing very good post and cool

If you do not surrender, then you win.

that was so motivational. thank you so much! :)

IMO for personal development it mainly needs acknowledging the shadow aspects of our being. If willpower will be the winner, failure and weakness will infiltrate unconsciously by symptoms or depression. The break down after too much of will power driven action has to be acknowledged. It is the other polarity of success, dreams fulfilled and career. The mistakes, the weak will, the lost power all that is there and needs respect.

 9 years ago  Reveal Comment