One of these days I will catch a post right out of the cage and be the first to comment--but dang, I would have to be on it! Especially since I usually can't immediately type anything, I'm shaking too much with laughter. Sorry me boom, but I probably would have been rolling round on the floor if I actually got to witness the spewnami of jugjuice, LOLOL!!
I think everyone bar me was laughing and rolling on the floor. You know me, I love laughing and take myself less seriously than anyone I know but man I was pissed!! I was absolutely caked in it!!! I couldnt open my eyes!!
Yep, it's much less funny when it's your nose that's clogged with putrescence, I can attest to that!! I've never been able to handle such things as vomit and poop very well to begin with, but in my mouth? I'm gagging just thinking about it haha!
OH the mouth bit, it was foul and I could smell and taste it and it was nigh impossible not to throw up myself. I have no odea how I didnt in the end!!
It must have been the mighty BOOM fortitude that saved you!
I was reminded that my aversions to foul bodily fluid is the entire reason I did not follow in my family's footsteps to get a nursing degree for a backup. My dad was an RN (who eventually became an Administrator, largely due to not having to deal with such yuckiness, ,but he did have to deal with it for a time) my mom- RN, my brother and his wife, both RN's, my aunt was a Nurse Practitioner, my grandma an RN..I'm probably missing a few. I was a 'carehelper' at a nursing home for a bit when I was young, then started taking the nursing aid course because it was a lot more money and also to see if I might be able to go into the 'family business'. First time a patient had an accident (by which I mean she exploded hideous diarrhea like a bomb went off) I was out. Literally, I left the room, went to the bathroom to gag, then tendered my resignation. I continued my courses in computer information systems and became a waitress on the side instead LOLOL!
Lol, the very idea of diarrhoea going off like a bomb has me reaching for the sick bag! You did well to escape that craziness.
It must have been quite a shock to the family to have someone strike outwith the RN path!
I will admit they had sound reasoning for wanting me to do it, since the Nursing program was only two years at the time--well, generally it ended up being three once you factor in some extra courses, clinicals and internships, but it's not a lot of schooling, minimal money for student loans, and can be big returns in terms of salary. However, money can't make up for misery, and I would have been miserable. They understood. I became known as "Our daughter, the writer". They would go on and on to various people throughout life, and to hospital staff in particular when my dad began his long decline and was in and out of the hospital- talking about all of the medical people in the family...then they would say "Oh, except our daughter, she's a writer." lol. The thing is, my brother would far prefer being introduced as "Our son the musician". It's how I think of him, as a musician, nursing is just what he does for money. I'm just lucky that my husband has always been a fairly successful businessman and afforded me the luxury of being 'the writer'.
Anndd my comments are super long today and way off topic. Sorry.
(Love ya Bro-ntosauraus!)HAhhahahah, your comments are long. How very dare you, have you gone all @jedau?!?!
I think thats a fabby way to be introduced. Even if you were penniless it would be much more preferable to most job titles!
I remember back in the day I was sometimes referred to a sa musician and I used to look behind me and go, eh who? hehe!
Ahahaha! No wonder we get along! That's how I'm introduced as well! Hmm.. I guess partly similar. I'll leave it up to you which words to change, sis.