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RE: Lungs and A Bit of a Mindf^ck

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Noooo, power of suggestion causes panic attack, girl thinks she's forgetting to breathe as she sucks in too much air and passes out plunk. Girl cracks open eye and sees the pack of cigarettes that fell from her purse, takes one out and lights it, sucks it in and all better. Lungs have to work when you smoke, and that's a fact Jack ;)


Can't smoke without lungs. I never thought of it that way. Feels more like a privilege now. You better put ice on that.

Well, if nothing else, it won't allow you to have a panic attack ;) No worries, can't feel it, have gone numb from sleep deprivation. Hate the need for sleep, it's so bothersome.