Nominated by the kick ass @kiwideb, who was nominated by the darling @dreemsteem -contest by @freedomtowrite
EDIT: @andysantics48 did some detective work, and apparently this was all started by @traciyork!

Time for some fun my awesome steemit community! Here are some of the wacky things I've done over the course of my life--
Lived in a haunted house
Encountered Big Foot
Swam naked at the base of a waterfall
Roughed it on a mountain for a year
Hopped a fence to get a closer look at alligators
Traded my office for a pizza
Dated a married man
Crowd surfed to the front row of Pearl Jam
Watched a dog take on a pack of coyotes
Swam for my life from a shark
You know how this works right?
Okay then- one of these is a lie, first to guess which one gets 5sbd in one week's time.
For those who want to guess but pooh pooh the prize- if you win, I'll donate it to a worthy cause.
For those I'm about to drag into this, participation as well as the giveaway is optional- @therealpaul, @nonameslefttouse, @meesterboom, @jedau (when you return from honeymoon bliss)
And lastly, for those who are curious about the back story on some of these...wellll I might just do a post or two ;)
Generously created for me by @son-of-satire
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Aghhhhh hehehhee the contest was not started by me...but I was in the first batch of nominees! :)
Darling @dreemsteem nominated kick-ass @kiwideb because the fabulous @freedomtowrite created the contest! Hehehhee
I LOVE how many connections we have that keep us in the same orbit hehehehe
And now I'll read more of your post and make my selection of lie!!! Hehehhe
Update: hehehehe ok.. so my guess is that you traded your office for a pizza 😂 I HOPE that you didn't do that!!! Especially if it was one with a view!!!! Hahahhahahaa
I can't wait for the revelation and the stories to follow 😉
Okay got it, been corrected :)
Hi there sweetie, I love it it too!
We shall have to!
After some investigation I've discovered that this was originally started by @traciyork - I checked because I nominated @freedomtowrite :) and I hoped she hadn't started it lol
Ha, okay, good detective work! I will edit accordingly :)
Haha so funny! I actually started #behindthecurtain which @traciyork got credit for once...and then I got credit for hers 😂 I think the irony really lies in that when people forget my name is Stacie, they call me Traci! I did forget to tag her in my post! I'll go correct it!
Well, hello Stacie! Glad we got that cleared up, haha! Your smile is freaking awesome, for that alone I will follow you :)
Haha thank you!!
Haha, I say number 10! I trust you encountered a Big Foot!
I love it, haha! We shall see ;)
I also say she encountered him!!!! 😂😂😂😂
I thought no 5: hopped a fence to get closer look at alligator .
Just thought that is going to be a lie in the list,because it sound funny ☺
Did you now? Hee hee, we shall see.
I don't want to write another comment so I would not be disqualified because that would pain me than loosing when you finally revealed the one that is a lie when you make a new post. But I'm worried of you saying you swam for your life from shark, and that's no. 10 because I'm thinking of how did you get closer to shark in the first place. The text is really tough oooooo. Good luck to me anyway.
Dammit, I looked before I went out to take my class, and it wasn't up, and now I'm back, all the good ones are taken!
As far as I can see, there are only 4 left and 3 of those I'm 99% sure you've done. Which leaves #1, which I suspect could also be true, but is my pick nevertheless.
PS I have a post ready to go which tells the back story behind each of mine. That will go up Friday at the latest, or maybe earlier if all of the options get chosen.
Hey, you never know ;) You should see the things that didn't make the cut...haha!
Trying to decide between number 2 or number 4.
Roughing it on a mountain is pretty tough. Let's go with number 4.
Hey there ;) Ha, I think it's going to be even more fun when I do the reveal and tell some back stories ;)
Good to hear from you, how have you been?
Hello stranger ;)
Well, aside from the falling cryptocurrency prices things have been going pretty well.
I've been writing a lot of fiction stories lately..... almost every day in fact.
The main problem that I have is that I love writing micro fiction that is very short. I really need to work on chapter based stories because I rarely do those. I did write a four chapter story last week that had some pretty good audience engagement and I think it was a pretty good story.... maybe it will be the start of a new style of writing.
Hope you've been doing well, looking forward to hearing about how you lived on a mountain because now I'm almost positive that you did.
I hear you on the falling cryptos...but I know how that works, it will rise again! Haha!
Awesome, I am putting your blog in my browser, you will be hearing from me :) Dude, I've had problems writing anything lately, even comments, badddd writer's block. Lucky that I already wrote the book I'm posting to give me a bit to work through it...or just for winter to be over and sun, trees, etc. to help the inspiration.
Ha! I will let that one hang.... :)
the lie is dated a married man , I think you have morals, : )
Aw, thanks!
Winchester girl...Sam and Dean Winchester?
Dean ; - )
Haha, nice :)
thanks for link , I did enjoy reading your post , I also love The Walking Dead x
I'm a Walking Dead fan too, (Carl :0( ) but I never could get my daughter into it, so no conventions for that. Jeffrey Dean Morgan was supposed to be at the Supernatural convention we went to last, but that was the weekend of hurricanes so he missed it, they brought in Bobby Singer instead.
yes I was very upset when Carl died , I did cry ! Jeffrey Dean Morgan is a legend !
I think it is Swam for my life from a shark . It looks me much difficult among all.
Well here it is pack unimaginable work you have done. But be safe for steemians please lol
Maybe I did, maybe I didn't- but as far as being safe, mmm, not wired that way!
If you did it, then its time for Oxford to add another word in dictionary to describe it properly. Legend , Champ or Legamp?? lol
Lol, I will be game :O)
No 2 is the lie ;O)
although deep down I suspect it is the married man ;O)
I thought so :)
Do you think? Hmm, we will see.... ;)
We will indeedy!!!! hheh
Thank you for that vote of confidence, hee
Wow yours are hard to pick - I'll take a random guess at dog vs coyotes...
Nice pic! Haha, thank you for playing.... ;)
I'm gona say # 3 and call you Ary
I like the way you think...but maybeeee fiction reflects life? lol! ;)
I'm not going to guess since all the choices have been taken....all I want to say is I need backstories to ALL of the true ones. Specifically #6 if that one is true.
Well, not all of the choices, but most- Hah, yep, I took the 'having to write back stories' into account when I made the list. The things that didn't make it...hahaha! Maybe I'll talk about them at a later date :)
#5. Why the hell would anyone do that?
Also, I'm curious, where did you encounter Big Foot?
Why indeed? ;)
Did I?
Were the alligators sitting around drinking beer and talking literature? Because if so, I guess it would make sense to hop that fence.
O.K. my guess is number 6 Traded office for pizza
Everything else sounds like fun (esp. the crowd-surfing!)
Oh, you are my kind of people if you think the rest sounds like fun, lol! ;)
I assume that you'll be providing evidence so you can make sure that the prize is awarded to the correct person right? Then I'd like to say #2 because I'd love to be proven wrong :D
I would have to say #2 - there is no way you could have encountered bigfoot - that's impossible - I mean I"ve encountered Bigfoot before , but that s a different story altogether. I'm sure your encounter was entirely made up .. ;) - feel free to send that sweet sweet SBD to #jorlauski
I should have read your post before I put my one up. You just reminded me of a whole bunch more weird stuff I've done hehehe.
Ok. so I'll pick - Crowd surfed to the front row of Pearl Jam.
That one sounds more like a fantasy than a reality to me. ;-)
The rest are totally believable ;-)
I'll go with 6 I suppose😝
Me too.
Definitely 7
Oh, I like you :)
I guess no 1
I go with no 1