I'm liking this post cuz you're still talking. And that's better than action..and you are better off alive.
There is so much more to life than finances and I guarantee you... Your kids are not thinking that life would be better off without dad. And I guarantee you your wife isn't thinking it either.
You're fighting this.
Even if it feels like you're not..you really are. You can even see it in your writing. You're so battered and bruised but you're not willing to give up. And that's so good.
The fact that you're even thinking about the person who would hit you with their car... That's a person who cares about life and people and recognizes that life matters.
I don't know you. But I so care about your life. And right now.. at 15 minutes past midnight... I'm praying for your heart.
I'll jump onto discord for a little bit... Just in case you need to talk to someone. My name is the same as it is here.
If not... No worries :) but I'm still praying for you. Really.