For those who do not know this movement master, Ido Portal focuses on exercising and controlling the body through very diverse movements (from simple to complex), mixing both human and various characteristic animal movements.
It should be noted that although the concept is apparently simple, behind the movements of Ido there is a whole mix of disciplines: Calisthenics, Artistic Gymnastics, Parkour, Ballet, Yoga, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Capoeira, Acrobatic Dance and Circus, WeightLifting...
The reason for this publication is not simply than let you know about him or give him publicity, but I proposed in my work (a military rescue unit) that on Tuesdays and Thursdays we are given various strength training, where each one of those days one of us have to propose an exercise routine and to lead the training, so I decided to include basic exercises of this man.
And that is why next I will specify the training routine that I will direct and that we will continue in the coming weeks.
-Warming Up:
- Jump rope or burpees series for 5 minutes.
-Pre-training mobility work:
- Soleus Stretch Squat
- Hip Rotations (with both legs)
- Hip Rotations in Squat (with both legs)
- Dynamic Toes Stretch
- Dynamic Squats
- Various Shoulder Rotations
- Sky Reaches (with both arms and adding a pause above)
- Budha Prayers
- Bows Squatting
- Scapular Push Ups
-Floreio Movements Hability:
- Role
- Half Cut (to both sides)
- Short Turn Capim (with both legs)
- Arc Rotations on Wall (both sides)
- QDR Rotary Push-ups (both sides)
I am sure that with this routine we are going to have a few stitches...
I'll tell you how it was to us and I hope you'll tell me how it was for you.
Do you know Ido in real life?
Have you trained with him?
I love this guy
No, I'm not that lucky to met him and either that rich to pay an Ido's training!
¡yo tambien admiro mucho a idoportal ! gracias por el contenido si desean observar algo sobre el Parkour y yogaflow visiten mi blog.
I also admire idoportal ! thank you for the content if you want to observe something about the Parkour and yogaflow visit my blog.
Lol I was looking for a good image to use for my steemit post and found this from googling! Awesome post man, followed