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RE: The Great Debate #1 - Alex Jones.

in #life7 years ago

" is so essentric that he makes it seem like a parody, and disscredits every conspiracy that he touches".

^^^ I think that's one of the main reasons Alex hasn't been killed off. He can be dismissed. I wonder if that is a conscious tactic on Alex's part. I think he's intelligent enough to use such a tactic.

Going back 10 years I felt that my girlfriends mother was a crackpot for being into Alex Jones. In the last year I've started listening to Alex Jones almost daily, and what I've come to realise is that a lot of what he says is actually true. The usual instinct is to conclude that what he's saying is so crazy, so you don't bother to check the references he provides. When you actually go to check, it often turns out that he's spot on.

We live in a world where even looking into conspiracy theories is considered to be nuts. For the longest time I thought the Federal Reserve and New World Order conspiracies were insane... and then I actually read books on the issue and the theories are actually facts which can be backed up by the key players involved.

People like Alex present more truth than any "MSM" organisation. We need people like him, because our world is certainly becoming an Orwellian nightmare at a rapid pace.


Thats an intresting point, however its not how often that hes right or wrong that is my main concern. Its that his method speaking in screaming-dramatic-monologes looks to the average person to be just an insane person, thus people associate, say pizza gate for example to be an idea harbored by lunatics, even though there may be credible evidence of a child sex abuse ring in politics. Now that hes famous has alienated an even larger portion of the general population that may not have dissmised pizza gate had a calm and collected case been made by someones else.