Today's Yard Sale Finds!

in #life7 years ago

Today's sales!

As the yard sale season continues to pick up faster and faster, we are finding some great deals! Today @alovelymess and I went to 18, and I have some of tomorrow's already mapped out. It seems I keep finding mowers with my name written on it, but the return in profit has been well worth it lately. I may need a shop when Steem goes to the moon! Heres a few of the big winners of the day!

I'll start off by saying I sold the mower that was in this post today for $150. So the person's mower quit, so they found mine and wanted to buy it. When we met up I asked if they was selling the one that quit...and they were. So basically I got $100 plus another mower to fix and resell. An ugly ass green Lawnboy with a Honda engine! No clue what the problem is yet, I didn't have time to dig into it today.

We happened upon this nice bike trailer/jogging stroller today. She told me to make an offer, so I offered $5 and she happily agreed. I listed it and sold it all in the same day for a quick $60. This wasn't a super high end one, Walmart sells them new for $120.

IMG_20180511_193807.jpg@rigaronib called me up about a tiller he had found and asked if I wanted it. He managed to get it for $10. It acts like it wants to start, so I think it just needs fresh gas and it'll be running good. I could sell it for $50 after cleaning it up a bit.

I took a break from the man stuff and picked up some Victoria Secrets shorts, shirt, and makeup bags. I paid $4 for all of them and sold them for $20 shortly after. I'll take anything I can make a buck on, no matter the funny looks I get doing it!

I LOVE getting feedback! Do you have suggestions or comments on how to improve my posts? If so, post them below, I want to hear from you!


You've certainly been having fun at the yard sales! Good work!

Thanks! We have!