My ideal life

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Sometimes it's nice to ponder. Healthy even. And my post yesterday about songwriting must have got me thinking about how I spend my time.

So here I go, pondering my ideal life.

Some context though. I am not 26 any more, so I'm not thinking careers. I have a wonderful family, so I'm not thinking relationships (although I could always be a better husband and father).

No, I'm more thinking of what I wish I could do more of, in a context of needing to work less. Say, because I got rich through posting on steemit.

Maybe it's a dream...

Anyway, its all about doing more of what I love.

  • Hanging out with my daughter, and having fun with my wife.

  • Writing songs (there it is again, just like in my post yesterday, that whole of body shiver, that feeling telling me Yes! I want to do that!).

  • Playing guitar and nailing my parts in the songs I have written with my bandmates (and again!).

  • Writing fiction ( I love this. I really love it. I used to get that feeling when I contemplated writing as well - before I started doing it and realised I was actually not too bad).

  • Meditating and being mindful.

  • Dreaming, and pondering. Wandering and getting lost in nature and the city.

  • Enjoying the company of friends and seeing more of my mum, brothers and sister.

  • Swimming in, and walking on and hanging out at the beach.

  • Giving back to a world that has given so much.

  • Being happy.
    May I be filled with loving kindness. May I be well.
    May I be peaceful and at ease. May I be happy.

    (Jack Kornfield - A Path with Heart)

May all beings be happy.

✨ ✨

Picture courtesy of



@drwom footer by the awesome @ryivhnn !!



Friend it is very essential for a good life that you must happy all the time and enjoy what you have wether it is more or less, keep on enjoy your life... @drwom

When you're able to reduce live to it's basics and be happy with it, that's probably the most enlightened times you could live in.
Simplicity and beeing able to be happy with what we have would make mankind much better.

I love this @sqruffy! Simple simple simple.. often when I am my happiest. Namaste 🙏

It's true - pondering makes us healthy. It makes us human. We don't have to be working machines all day and every day! So pondering and meditating kind of liberate us from the busy life.

And you know's great to list down what you always want to do in life. This is what makes us live more than being just alive. This also makes us 'us'.

But since we can't do everything at once, the best thing we could do is to take one step at a time.

Thanks for sharing this, @drwom! Cheers! 😄

I often dream that I can sit all day and do nothing but write fiction--all kinds and get paid for it. I dream I can get rich via steemit. I'm hoping this dream will come true someday, even though there's a part of me that's doubtful. But a girl can dream, eh?

its great that you are keeping your self happy and focusing on more important things in life like family etc :) its great that you write songs :) i'm a songwriter too it's such a great feeling when you finally complete a song that you are happy with :)

Again we get the glimpse into you. I love this. 😊. Your fiction is awesome too.. and don't those masters say you should keep doing what you love and all else will fall into place? Best of luck to you @drwom! For writing it all down too. 🙏

You should always make sure that you love what you do! Everyone has their own priorities and goals in their life, but you should follow your dreams, even though they seem far away! You can only live a healthy and happy life if you find time for the things you love :)

Wishing you much success in turning your dreams pondering your ideal life into attainable goals you may achieve.

pondering is one of my favorite ways to pass time!