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RE: Stick It

in #life5 years ago

I had whizzed off to the porcelain post office and deposited my parcel.

Where in God's name do you come up with these?

No shame in injuring oneself, they just probably need to get on it and get you some physical therapy. Give it a break from the repetitive motion of walking. Ice it. It takes down the inflammation and pain. Then give it heat. Rotate. Fifteen on, fifteen off. Then switch. Compression. Then keep it elevated.

Of course, by the time I got here, you are probably out there, dancing a jig. Hope you are feeling better, Boom!



I have been icing and elevating. I can see a difference already. Still using the sick bit it is improving :0)

I was quite proud of the porcelain post office!!! Wahahahaa!!

You should be! It was brilliant. I read your piece to about 12 people at a zoom meeting. Not a dry eye in the place. I owe you a few royalties. My zoom meetings won't be the same again... they will all ask for a Boomie story.

You rock.

Glad you are feeling a little bit. better! Don't get too encouraged by the improvement. Knees are liars like that.