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RE: Principle of the Day

in #life7 years ago

I'm guessing that is why they say that ignorance is bliss! Poor chap doesn't even realize that his answer is broke.

The Baby Boom was as precious as could be. Babies have their own heavenly scent. sigh

Naked trees to dress up the architecture. What a wonderful look that is. I can see it so well now. Have a nice week @bleujay and looking forward to another Principle.


Thank you for your lovely comment Denise. one goes through life one finds that not is not the they not.

They forgot the sarc tag.... ^_^

So glad to hear you enjoyed the post....always appreciate you dropping by.

Thank you for your kind wishes and encouragement.

All the best to you. Cheers.

They forgot the sarc tag.... ^_^

Yes. That. :)

Always glad to hear that all is well in your busy world. Thank you for always taking the time and effort with your responses on the comments. It is always a pleasure to visit certain blogs/posts that go through the extra effort to make a real connection to their fans.

All the best to you and yours.