
Tell it sista !

I was just about to say something like this. As long as it's smooth, for what little time THAT will last it will be all good... .then....

Let me tell you, when it becomes prickly, even the tiniest bit, it does not feel good to a women's soft, delicate bossom. I hope you like shaving it frequently.

wrinkles nose

Well, this is making me feel most happy about my decision ! That means I will need to keep it smooth I cant stand an itch!

It wont itch. I will command it not to grow back!! Oactually I have this stuff for my hedge which stops it growing so fast, maybe I could use that?

Well, this is making me feel most happy about my decision ! That means I will need to keep it smooth I cant stand an itch!

Three days in, you will be sorry you took that blade to it. That hedge stuff may kill it. Now that won't be pretty.