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RE: Tyred

in #life3 years ago

You may get lucky and never have to do it again! I haven't and I have insurance that will come out and change it. A small benefit that I love. Just in case.

Why get dirty when I can pay someone to make me feel secure?

One day I will change a tyre and retake my place among the gods! :

I would rather be s queen. ;)


I must admit there was a certain joy in using the breakdown company. After all, I have been paying them for years and got nothing back.

I think I will be happy with paying someone although I draw the line at queenhood 😜

Oh, you win! But, Im not giving up my crown!

Exactly! I no longer have to prove myself! The insurance company has top secret clearance. They can be trusted with all my secrets.

We should give the insurance companies all of our secret things. We can trust them!!

Not mine!! It's government! They're probably watching me write this! ✍️