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RE: Loss

in #life3 years ago

I get my money back when I don't get the overnight service delivered on time. They knew when they took the order, she wouldn't get it. They should have disclosed that information. Just another way for them to make out on us.

If she had gotten it on Sunday then I would say that perhaps there was a little bit of a delay, but getting getting it on Wednesday, they definitely knew she wasn't going to get it when she ordered it. Pfft. That's ridiculous.


Yeah, in the UK since COVID customer service has gone down the pan. Now they know they can get away with it they use anything as an excuse. It's all going to hell!

Bezos still gives me my money back as does the Post Office. But we haven't had real customer service since COVID either. Nobody wants to work. People still don't pay their rent and are waiting for another handout.

The world is going to hell in a handbasket.