I think there are some good answers already but I’d highlight what works for me:
Yoga/meditation/Tai Chi. These all help you with calming your mind and being in a state that brings you less worry. If you can focus on the NOW your situation in the future becomes less daunting.
Detach from the daily news cycle and maybe social media. The media is selling you stuff non-stop and the best way to do this is hype things that cause fear. Turn off the TV or computer and GO OUTSIDE! Nature is non-threatening and a source of wonderful empowerment.
Go vegetarian. Your diet plays a large part in your mindset. It takes more of an effort to cook good vegetarian food but this is part of the process. You get more out of your food if you put more love into it. Eating meat requires you to ignore the plight of farm animals and the harm that deforestation is having on our planet. Ignoring these realities is not a good thing. Eating healthy and organic plants can make you feel better about yourself with every bite.
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