Cool Drink - Mango Juice

in #life7 years ago


Sweet and sour taste of the mango fruit will always be delicious consumed all the mood.Buah with bright colors this one has long been known as a source of vitamins and minerals are good for the human body and very good if the routine is consumed every day. lazy to eat it directly then choose a practical way by making it into juice, mango also drinks thirst quencher instantly.

This is one of the best refreshing drinks consumed because it contains multi-vitamin for body health, good for digestion, heat in and many other benefits it contains.


The benefits of mango juice for our health are very much especially can boost immunity. Mango juice has vitamin A and vitamin C so it is very good to maintain and improve our immune to avoid various diseases. Mango juice can nourish the eyes, because it has a high vitamin A content, this juice is also rich in fiber so it is good to facilitate digestion.

How to make it very easy, provide a fresh ripe mango, take the meat and put it into the blender machine, add a little water and ice cubes, then turn on the blender machine for 5 minutes so that the mango flesh was really smooth, after blended drinks ready to drink.


So my post this time about mango juice as a thirst release and very good for immunity. Thank you for visiting.