Do you have habit of eating breakfast?

in #life8 years ago

I had a breakfast this morning!

I never do that so I feel like I have a bag of rocks in my stomach now.

I am an early-riser with highly developed work habits. When I wake up, the last thing on my mind is food. Each morning I go straight for a coffee while my eyes still haven't opened. So, strong black coffee, a cigarette or two and that makes me to sit on the toilet seat and send my daily package.

After that, I have to run!

Sit in my car, look at the watch, swearing in the traffic, fighting for parking place, running to my office... and first thing that I see when I get there is a beautiful coffee machine! If I get fired, I will definitely continue to come here for a coffee. Still, my body doesn't ask for some food.

First time when I feel hunger in a day in when I'm going back from work.

Some people already had lunch and mine is waiting for me when I get home. Then I eat so much that I can't move for next two hours. Then, a coffee again. I eat some fruits in the afternoons. I practice exercises on the evenings and that's not the best possible option, I should do that in the morning. When I dine, I do it lie a pig! I eat enormous amounts of food and I manage to keep myself thin. I can't get fat and I like it! My last weight measuring showed that I have only 6% of body fat and 46% of muscles in my body which weights about 70 kilograms.

And munchies!

I can eat shit all night without even noticing.
This morning started without coffee because I was scheduled for making blood examinations. So I had to come to the hospital with completely empty stomach. After they drained half of my blood, I felt hunger! That's unusual because it was only 8 AM. I ate a some Balkans products from bakery and I had a little bit too much.

This made me to think about my breakfast habits! I definitely have to change the rhythm of my life! Any advice?


Coffee and cigarettes are two things that make you don't feel the hunger. If you want to become more healthy I would suggest exercising early in the morning. That should make you hungry and you can have your coffee and cigarettes after the breakfast.

the best meal of the day which is healthy is break fast...its called breaking your fast for a reason... you eat high fiber meals in the evenings before 7pm and start your day with a good heavy balanced diet of breakfast... avoid red meats please... plant proteins are better along with high fiber diets... remember, you are what you eat... do exercise daily, eat well balanced diets and get enough sleep... i sent a post on effects of sleep deprivation some days ago and today i sent on natural remedies for tumors...
thanks for sharing your experience...very good @dumar022

please follow me i wil back you

OK! I'm kidding, no I won't

please give me upvote

follow me and i will follow you back too!

If you read an article from @ricko66 you'll learn many things.

follow me i will back

i like to learn many things...thanks...for the comment is wealth@tookta

Really @ricko66 he can give you good advice especially about herb medicine and energy healing. is truly wealth...find time to check my today's health also into natural remedies...

Hey there! Dropping by and giving you an upvote. Do visit my blog entries at if you have time.

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nice that your cat on your profile? cute...@wildy

Everything you do, do as long as you see fit and do not damage your body!

I'm starting to get angry without food, anytime of the day or night. So i think breakfast it is the second most important meal after lunch :)

yes, you're right, I am nervous when I get hungry too

I try to force myself to eat something before my first cup of coffee, but I don't succeed. I am up early and I don't think of food but coffee.
But at least I have lunch. And big plate for dinner.

What I would recommend you is to have some meal during the day. You are still young and you obviously burn calories fast, but please take care with that rhythm.

very much like me :)

I love coffee. I have lived on coffee for years. Not sure if it's killing me, but it's my main energy source. Enjoy the thin my friend. @luvbnamome is such a good cook and it has made me fat. Lol

hahaha! I saw tacos in your posts few from two days ago and I am sure that @luvbnamome can make them better

I never eat breakfast.. I start eating about about 11.30 am and stop eating around 6pm. I used to eat later than 6pm but i needed to lose some weight so i don't eat for around 17 hours and then eat constantly for 6 or 7 hours.
I feel more healthier now and slimmer lol

Cheers!Xoxo@dumar022 start with one small a glass of water before drinking your first cup of coffee, see how that makes you feel. Then try a glass of water and a banana and/or a yogurt before or with your coffee. Keep listening to your body and it will guide you! Hope this helps!

For me, I eat breakfast on weekdays. Then on Saturday either no or something light. Sunday varies. I need energy in the morning on weekdays. I mostly don't eat after 9pm

Last two days I eat breakfast! Hurray

Ah, good for you. I'm having mine now.