I never looked at things through the money. Croats are not greedy people and our country is one of the cheapest for tourists in Europe. Fine and reasonable prices of accommodation, really acceptable prices in restaurants, free parking places on beaches and generous people will do all to make their guests feel comfortable.
But many of those tourists are trying to cheat us and steal from us this specific way that I have to speak about.
I wrote before about renewed beach in front of my house and everything is perfect. This is a city beach and the most of people here are from here because tourists prefer to jump from place to place.
What I really can't stand are illegal campers.
Especially because they come from far richer countries than Croatia. There are places here which are predicted for campers and you have to pay minimal prices for those places, but these guys from Netherlands with a very expensive monster camper decided to do it illegally. So they usurped a peace of the coast next to our beach to themselves.
This vehicle is about 5 - 6 times more expensive than a car that I plan to buy!
You should spend a fortune to purchase one of these. But why you act stupid and don't want to pay for a camper place, you chose to stay here where other people come to bath every day and their boats are tied here?
This obviously rich family can afford to have a legal accommodation for very cheap, but they would rather to humiliate our offer and risk to have troubles with police and natives. And they brought a dog! I don't have nothing against dogs, I am a dog person, but there is a clear sign "NO DOGS IN SEA" because many people are swimming around, but their dog acts like this is all his own territory!
People here are too proud to inform police about this so some tried to talk to those campers but their completely ignored. I don't know will someone call the police during the day, so I decided to talk to them myself, before I call the cops.
I wonder what would happen if I went to Netherlands the same way like these guys came here, as illegal camper!
I heard that those penalties are tremendous there! And plus, Netherlands are much much richer country than Croatia , they take good care about their country and it would be really hard to find where to place a camper for free! Imagine that I place a camper just next to the sea there. I think that they would call me a criminal!
oh i totally agree with most of you said except i wouldn't agree forbidding young people with tent to have a night anywhere in the world. second, why not dogs? like people are swimming so what?! i am really into most of the things you usually write but don't mix animals with unpolite people. i have never ever left garbage anywhere but i do not care about police not liking my dog swimming or walking without a leash. if she doesn't bother anyone she can be free and that does not mean i don't respect croatia or any other country.
don't get me wrong. i have similar feelings about tourists in montenegro. not all tourists, not dutch, french or any nation tourists but those ones who destroy surroundings. i have the same feeling for local people who do the same and there are always a lot of them, it's just a question do we want to see it.
I don't get you wrong. We have beaches for people with dogs and this is not one of those. But one is just 250 meters far from there and I take my dog there every day. It's simple because of sign "no dogs" and if are in other people's country, you have respect that. I never mentioned that I don't support young people in tents, but a family with 700000 € camper avoiding to pay anything? Please, think about this and you don't get me wrong
yeah... i got it. then you are completely right... like 250m is nothing and yeah, if you have camper like that pay for your place..
I understand you are angry and I see your point, but please don't try to judge whole nation basing on some individuals.
I don't judge whole Dutch nation, but Dutch tourists
Having lived in Amsterdam for 15 years I can tell you that is exactly the way they go on. You are lucky they only came with one large camper as those Dutchies usually travel in multiple couples and they all love to camp, another thing they all have in common is they are all, CHEAP.
They smile to your face and stab you in the back, back stabbers. Latest is now to ring the "HOT LINE" and turn in your neighbour in for running a vacation rental, get bonus points for multiple neighbours. It's like back in WW2 when they turned in all their Jewish Neighbours.
I can feel my blood beginning to boil so I better get off the Dutch subject.
An amazing country except for the people.
I'm not Dutch hater but want them to respect my country
I'm not a Dutch hater either I just cannot stand them. There is even a book published called "Dealing with the Dutch" which says it all.
Do you both speak the same language so you can communicate with them??
They speak pretty good English, I can manage to speak the way they understand me
misi ya ,,,,gue juga mau komentar,nih.. gak panjang koq tenang ajaa, saya sudah insaf komentar panjang lebar yang gak bermutu begitu… lagipula cape’ komentar panjang lebar yang gakada maksudnya dan gak pentingbanget kalo …dibaca terus dan sering membuat kita marah, kesel, dan bisa membuat naik darah, tenang aja komentar saya ini gak panjang dan gak lebar juga yang akan membuat anda marah dan kesal dengan komentar yang banyak basa-basi seperti komentar tetangga sebelah yang sering membuat anda marah dan juga kesal…. Padahal komentarnya juga gak ada maksud apa-apa dan agak gakbermutu, oleh sebab itu saya mengomentari status andatidak panjang dan juga tidak lebar yang akan membuat anda marah dan kesal atas komentar saya ini… padahal saya bermaksud baik kepada anda agar andatidak merasa marah dan kesal atas komentar saya yang tidak panjang dan lebar ini… karna saya tahu anda pasti marah dan kesal dengan komentar yang sayaberikan ini, padahal saya hanya mengingatkan anda.. karna saya pernah mendengar kata-kata dari kakek saya yaitu “berbicara panjang dan lebar, membuat orang lain marah dan kesal” maka dari itu saya membuat komentar yang tidak panjang dan tentu tidak lebar seperti tetangga sebelah,.. dan saudara saya juga pernah mengatakan “berbicara panjang dan lebar itu tidak baik” maka dari itusaya mengingatkan anda kembali agar ketika anda berkomentar tidak panjang dan lebar yang berisi basa-basi yang gak bermutu… karna bisa membuat orang lain marah dan kesal pada anda dan mungkin anda akan dipringati oleh orang lain yang melihat komentar anda yang panjang dan juga lebar… mungkin komentar saya ini tidak panjang dan tidak lebar-lebar yang bisa menutupi bola bumi dan mungkin juga bisa untuk membuat jalur jalan TOL yang bisa dilewati oleh orang-orang dan terkadang bisa macet ditengah jalan yang akan membuat semua orang marah dan kesal, pasti andaakan merasa pusing dengankemacetan jalan TOL, terutama bagi pengendara mobil yang sering memasukijalan TOL.. karna sepeda motor hehehe