This Christmas was the best Christmas ever to me. This is why!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Do you remember some magical Christmas feeling with your family from long, long ago?

I will always remember all my Christmases when I was a child.

Beautiful memories of my family, I can remember the smell of cookies and the big Christmas tree that my father always exaggerated with. Now my dad is in better place, both of my grandfathers too, so in the last 10-15 years my family had a humble but nice Christmas. Off course that I love to spend Christmas with my family but I always thought that I will never have such a great Christmas as I had when I was a little boy.

I was wrong.

Since she came on this world, my life changed for 180 degrees.

This is a happy child, it is easy to make her laugh and with her five and half months, she already wants to be a part of everything that is happening in our home. Thanks God for her good health and for making my wife and me capable enough to provide anything that this little monster needs.

I didn't know that some crazy ideas will appear in my minds as Christmas was approaching. It just happened. I felt all that magic like in my childhood.

When I noticed that lately I never left some store without buying some toy or something, I realized that my old Christmas feeling is coming back. And it is not about me, it never was. My father didn't get crazy on the Christmas because of himself or even because the Christmas itself! He was doing it because my sister and I were children and he wanted us to feel special.

This Christmas I felt the same that feeling but from different perspective!

I didn't care for decorations, Christmas tree, the lights and the presents before! Now it is all just because of her! She can't stop looking at the tree and the lights.

Now, let's imagine how it will be for some 25-30 years in the future. Who knows will I be here or not. But I'll do my best to give her a feeling that every child should have on Christmas!

Thank you!!!



It's parenthood that made all the difference this Christmas my friend. Happy new year and happy parenting for the rest of your life. Life is finally happening :)

Happy New Year! Thank you!

the memories of a memorable event is always remember, but the event like christmas is th event that will not forgetable till the life ends

Adorable baby you should be proud

Thank you!

OMG!!! She's such a sweetheart... <3 <3 <3
Cheers to more lovely Christmas(es) with her.. ^^

Children are what will be left of us, when we go.
Nothing is more valuable than that. You are feeling that right now ;-)

Thank you, you're right

Holy shit she cute! What a smile bro! You get one of those first christmas stockings and everything? I had one of those hanging too :) Glad you found that christmas spirit.

Yes, after many years... thanks

So happy a face I think it's also the best ever new year. :-)

Yes! She didn't sleep a minute because of firecrackers and stuff! Thanks

You're welcome

Awe! That's a beautiful story and your little girl is just adorable!! Children can have an amazing affect on us parents. Gives us new appreciation of what our parents did for us as we were growing up. I'm glad you got that magical feeling back!!

Thank you!!! :)

Well said new father.

She is so cute and adorable, I remember when my girls were born, it was a life change for sure the best of times

enjoy every moment with her my friend

I will, my friend! Thank you!

She's adorable 😊 and her first Christmas.. Aww
Great memory to cherish. Hope you had a wonderful New year. Wish you and your family a wonderful 2018.

Thank you!!!

Anytime dear!

Awesome! yes you get it. We want to make it special for our kids. Irs a lovely thing.

It is nothing about us anymore! It's all about them! :) Thanks

She's so sweet! You are for sure blessed! wish all of you a great 2018 @dumar022!

Thank you, you too!

Beautifully written. And I totally agree. We had first christmas with our two months old Leo. It was amazing to see him smile while I was dancing with him to Sia"s winter songs. Or to see how children are mesmerized by christmas lights. :-) Wish you and your family many happy moments ☺

Wonderful post, especially the pictures!!! I have the same feeling, Christmas should be a magical moment for the kids, something they will remember all their lives!

Najljepša je ikad! Taj osmjeh <3

name in lights right here. (Just kidding about the lights :)@dumar022 this post was presented at the most recent Pimp Your Post Thursday on the Steemit Ramble Discord. I have written a post to share your featured post. Just stopping back to let you know that you can see your

Preslatkooooo! :D

You are blessed and rich! She is amazing! May you all be forever happy!