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RE: Everything is Backwards

in #life7 years ago

Ok so this is the way it is Max - what do we do about it? Government cannot be relied upon. Maybe it was pure laziness on the people's part that brought such a ridiculous notion in the first place. I don't wish to hurt anyone's feelings but government is not the problem. There is something more underlying it. It is patriarchy and blind adherence to it in my view. This is so stark a reality to me that it pains me to see even intelligent men deny it. Women say nothing - women have other problems but it isn't rampaging the earth and destroying everything in sight. Now please understand that I am not saying or even suggesting that all men are the problem. This is a common misinterpretation that comes from entitlement itself. Instead of curiosity on a different way of seeing things, I get shot down for saying this. Which makes me feel like I'm alone in the wilderness. But that's my problem. What I want to address is that it's so much longer than a few generations. It goes back centuries, maybe thousands of years. That we do not know because history has been hidden. The way out of it? Well it's right at our fingertips - we have everything we need to get out of this but nobody really wants to get out of it. Because most people are scared and lazy and looking for someone to come along and do everything for them, to think for them. We emerge from this horror by including everybody's opinion and develop a system for organizing what the 80% of the people think and implementing their wishes, but only after all discussions have been expressed. With the internet and so many other technologies, we can totally uproot this insane uncivilized-ation and bring forth a new blossoming.