A number of years ago, I visited Ireland. While we spent the first week in the Galway area and visited a town with the unflattering sounding name of Gort (which is not so bad when translated ... "meadow"). The second week I was able to come to know people better when we stayed in the town of Kenmare. One of the things one does in Ireland is you go down to a local pub in the evenings. One that I went to had a grandfather playing spoons in the corner and his granddaughter clogging away. Then a guy came up with a fiddle and joined in. Of course this meant nothing to me but later I learned that the fiddler was a celebrity in Ireland ...
I was reminded of this memory when I came across this video ...
Amazing it is the great performance & good comibantion of voice and music...
This is amazing!! They’re both so carefree and wonderful!
Hi @khaladhassan
People come together for special times (holidays etc.) and often come together for birthdays, weddings and deaths. When I was in university, it was common for groups of us to meet almost daily to come together to talk and dance etc. Do people in Bangladesh especially in rural areas have something similar? Do people in communities have an excuse to come together for a laugh etc.