Longevity Project: Preface

in #life6 years ago

The other day I was watching the movie "Annihilation" and one particular concept stood out in my mind: very few people commit suicide but we all are programmed to be self destructive. Whether it is a pattern of consuming food or chemicals which are not healthy to consume, or following physical pursuits which are not healthy to pursue, or believing particular delusions which are not healthy to believe we all have activities which hasten the processes which occur at the cellular level as we self destruct even at the level of DNA.

A number of years ago, I decided to follow a path of suicide by life. Unlike most people who commit suicide by active means, I embraced a path of passively shortening my life through a philosophy I coined decades ago as flocci non facio. Over the past few years I have been discouraged for the rest of humanity though because of the toxic ignorance which people who should be leading us carry. This discouragement finally festered to a head about a month ago when I entered the hospital with double pneumonia. In keeping with my philosophy I chose to have a DNR which would have simplified things greatly for me in the future. When I was admitted, in addition to blue fingernails (lack of oxygen will do that to you) I also had a blood sugar level 3 times higher than was normal.

While the first symptom was understandable the second annoyed me. While insulin resistance or even a form of type II diabetes sparked by the infection is understandable with my physical considerations (minimal exercise and excess weight), I was unable to get a satisfactory answer to my where the high blood sugar levels were coming from ... as I wasn't eating. I also came to question whether medical staff and dieticians in the hospital (although the food was probably prepared with a heavy financial consideration) had the right understanding on how the body and nutrition work. I will discuss this in greater detail in a future post.

My greatest failing as a person is that I have an unbridled belief that anything is possible. Consequently I will be posting current research being investigated and inviting people to post as well. If you wish to contribute please tag longevity and send me a link to your posts. I will compile them and aggregate the articles in the library: (in future will be found here)