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RE: My children have turned against me! I never thought this would happen

in #life8 years ago

LMAO! Hey, seriously though, I got a paper cut and I need nurse Sara. You MUST wear the uniform!🏥👩‍⚕️

I made it back in one piece. No licorice though, I just stuck my head out the window when I got tired, I don't suggest that though... Bugs🐛🐞

I get crazier too the more tire I am. If you ever want me to do something and I always say NO then ask me when I'm tired. Sky diving? Sure. Go poke a bear in it's bell button? I'm on it! These are some excellent examples.

I got you in just but I guess you are asleep already.😭😭😭. I hope you are having sweet dreams!


Ohh a papercut poor baby then I must nurse you to healing 💆💉🎢🛌
All better? Cry baby 😭😭😭😭💪💪
I hope you are having a good night sleep now I'm really going to bed 😊
Talk tomorrow 💋💋❤️❤️