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RE: "Conspiracy Theorists", a Derogatory Term?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I know you've read a number of my articles. So you by now have a sense of who I am. My big battle is really only one thing. When thinking of the problems of the world I really only can think of one thing that could at some point (perhaps generations away) save the day... That simply is if the majority of the population has the opportunity to learn critical thinking. So I post about things and I try really hard to get people to think about things in a different way. I don't try to get them to agree with me, that would defeat the purpose of my efforts. I simply try to get them not to feel that they need to conform, to be willing to ask questions without feeling it is wrong to ask those questions. They must be okay with disagreeing even if they are alone in their disagreement.

I kind of put it this way... I am walking a path. We each are walking a path. Which path is the better path is hard to say because it is being created somewhere in that place called the future. Though if I were to try to force you onto my path, not only do I think doing that completely is impossible, but I might also be doing you a great disservice. That path you were on may have been perfect for you, and in the future your path might continue while mine may have reached a sudden end.

So instead we look around and see each other walking our paths. If you've decorated your path with something I think is cool I might add similar decorations or decorations that were inspired by what you did, but my path will still be my own and will still be different.

That's me. At this time, and place. Who knows how I'll change as I walk the path. Yet I am certain you will provide me input that will influence my path.

My goal in this and other posts/comments is that hopefully people will start being okay with being wrong, because that truly does open up a world of opportunity. Then perhaps they will learn about fallacies and get better and better at noticing when they themselves are using them, and also see through it when other people use it. I am constantly trying to get better at this myself. Some fallacies are second nature for me to identify, others I am still very rusty at. I notice each one I get good at makes it easier to see past people attempting to manipulate an outcome. I am not afraid to be wrong. I welcome it. That is when I generally have a big leap in learning.

And closing a mind and mumbling "conspiracy theorist" or "put on your tinfoil hat" simply closes the doors to possibilities.

This does not mean BELIEVE what you are told. It means question everything with a critical mind rather than an emotional or conditioned response mind.


This is a very wise perspective, it is the higher road, which will leave you untainted by the muck generated by those handicapped due to poor or prematurely-ended education or driven primarily by hate and/or political partisanship. You are right that they should not be silenced, but instead encouraged to develop debating skills, research skills, presentation skills, for their personal benefit, the benefit of those visiting the platform, which is ultimately a potential benefit to all.

As individuals I entirely agree, we should not limit ourselves and find what is true .. for ourselves in life .. walk softly and carry a magnifying glass. We have to be careful only that we do not harm our ability to find that truth, by subscribing to obviously lacking, pre-teen clubhouse secret handshake n decoder ring baselessness. That sense of exceptionalism and superiority of knowledge was great as kids, even healthy, but not as adults who need to think about mortgages and procreation.

I am also of the opinion that education should never have an ENDING. It might end when we die, but who knows maybe not even then. We'll find out some day. ;)