Why you’re not living the life you thought you would.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Face it.
You’re boring.
You’re predictable.
You’re living life a little too safe.
You’re not living the life you thought you would.
Things were supposed to be different, right?
What the hell happened?
I tell you.
Odds are, you stopped taking chances.
Taking risks.
You became a little too comfy. (Or too comfortable being miserable.)
You started to care what other people think.
You started to care way too fucking much what other people think.
You started to value their opinion over yours.
You questioned you.
And in the process, you became, well, less you.
Stop it.
Stop giving a fuck about what doesn’t matter. (Namely, what other people think.)
Start giving a fuck about what you think. What makes you happy. What makes you inspired.
Do what feels right to you.
Listen to what makes you motivated.
Wear what makes you feel alive.
Say what’s on your mind.
Talk to yourself like a friend. (The voice in your head can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Choose friendship.)
Stop hiding your ambitions.
Start redefining your goals. (Not someone else’s.)
Do whatever it takes to return to you. Or to the ‘you’, you are meant to be.
Start living the life you always knew you would.

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Love this! So true. Thanks for sharing.

Glad you liked it. Be well, my friend.