Why every human IS perfect by natural law!

in #life β€’ 8 years ago (edited)

Hi everybody 😊

How many people out there have heard others constantly saying or say for themselves the phrase "i am not perfect"... well please let me challenge anyone out there who has these kind of thoughts in a positive way to give them back their inherent power to consciously start being their own and new perception of perfect (which they unconsciously already are)... so let's start...

every human is created by this unknown source which you can call whatever you like... i.e. our bodies are nothing else than perfect, self sustaining, self regulating, self healing, etc... this is the physical part which we will call effect... source is therefore always the main cause of any creation in this world. As we as human beings come from source, we have all been equipped with those same tools as source has, which are described as create (spirit) and manifest (physical). Source has manifested on a macro level which is expressed by the whole universe and with what we can see, it is by our surrounding nature. We do the same on a microscopic level. The tool of creation/manifestation (cause/effect) is in itself 100% accurate. That's why the saying "think positive" is so important, because it is true for every human being who possesses this tool by birth right. If anybody tells you, they are not responsible for anything happening in their life, must therefore be incorrect.
If you are conscious about this responsibility or not is yet another issue 😊. Therefore as we know that every human being has inherited the tool of creation/manifestation which is in itself perfect and our whole life evolves around this tool, then each of us must be a 100% accurate and perfect creator of his/her own life.

Many people would state now, that their life cannot, can never ever, be perfect. Well let's make an example of what most of the people would call a perfect life. It means to be healthy, to have good ties to their family, to have close friends, to be wealthy, to have freedom, etc. As most of the people do not have such a "perfect" life they would call their life not perfect. But the point here is that our life is always perfect no matter what we think it may be or perceive it as. The mistake is that in this case we do not understand how to use this tool of perfection. Most people are actually creating the absolute opposite of what they would "call" perfect. Now, as we understand how a perfect life for us should be, we should start using this tool of perfection consciously with the intent to build this "desired" perfect life. Ok, so how can we start improving this process? It's all about reflection. Our physical surroundings like our family, our friends, our job, our environment, everything around us reflects on a physical level what we are creating. If we do not like it then we have to back track to our source of the tool (cause) and reflect why we have manifested it incorrectly for us. Pointing out to others and saying that it's everybodys else' fault is ansolutely contradictory for returning to empowering our desired perfect life. As we reflect and dig deeper into each cause, we can start to understand the connection of cause and effect and simply just change the cause to the best possible for our perfect life. I can therefore conclude that from a universal point of view each human being is in a perfect state of being and living their best possible life. This must be true because we probably all did certain "mistakes" in our lives which in hindsight we would love to change. The problem here is that it's impossible to state such a phrase as we are saying it from a point of a changed awareness which we didn't have before. Inbetween were many lessions learnt or not, but nevertheless, awareness thereof must have changed if we would change any single bit in our past life, if awareness wouldn't have changed, we would change nothing in our past. So, perfection comes with any given level of awareness. From an ego point of view I would guess that 99.9% of the people wouldn't agree with that what universe calls perfect. Understanding how the universe "thinks" is therefore highly important to us, to connect with that spirit of life.

As the tool of creation/manifestation isn't bound to time or space it can happen anywhere, anytime and under any circumstances. Sometimes we call such breathtaking manifesations "miracles". Well done who receives them often πŸ˜€. The good part is exactly that it's not bound to time and space therefore we can and do create/manifest every single second of our life. Being aware of that we can change our life any second as long as we are willing to. We should also never get demotivated if life doesnt change instantly. We shouldn't forget that if we have used the tool up until now unconsciously and to our disadvantage then we are clearly putting the wrong input (thoughts, habits, actions, etc.) into the tool. Changing the input takes patience and time. But I think it's a fair deal if we will receive our desired perfect life. Positivity is a key word is this change.

Another very important key to become a conscious master of creation is to live in the present. In the spiritual realm there is no such thing as time and space but definitely we would agree that there is in the physical realm. So why is living in the present so important? The past has happened and is certain, the future hasn't happened and is uncertain, they are both not real anymore. The only real time is now, the present. So as now is only real and we can only think, do, act now, we can also only create now. Anybody dwelling in the past or future is therefore in an altered reality which doesn't benefit him/her in the process of creation/manifestation which in itself is a perfect tool of presence. We should start to see past experiences as lessons, positively learn from them and let go. Expectations should be released and substituted by a curious and joiful awaiting of miraculous coming future presents (literally). A good way to start to live in the present is trying to decouple from emotional ties to past situations which cannot be changed and future expectations which are uncertain, both are just huge distractors from enjoing the present and using the tool. By creating our desired perfect life shouldn't therefore be done in the future, it must be done now. How and when it will manifest in the future present is not up to us but we can be sure it will be given to us equal to the phrase "you reap what you sow". This universal trust comes automatically when one understands and receives the fruits of consciously creating perfection.

Furthermore I would like to point out that with creation comes responsibility. A huge part of the problem why people say they are not perfect comes with them not willing to take responsibility for their own lifes. Let's make an example here... Cigarettes are highly destructive for our body. Everybody knows it. It is even stated on the cigarette packs that smoking kills you. Now a smoker could say, i know, i smoke, thats my little bad habit, nobody is perfect. But exactly herein lies the problem. This person knows its bad for his/her health but isn't willing to change this addiction. An easy excuse is therefore to lower your true power and say "I am not perfect". It's actually an indirect expression of giving away my own responsibility of being healthy, happy and my own best creator due to lack of positive willpower. So, if we know and understand how the universe wants us to be which always corresponds with our deepest wish how we want to be, what are we waiting for? Let's take over responsibility for being prime creators of our lifes and by doing that one by one we make ourselves happier and healthier than ever before and will subsequently change not only us but our collective evolution.

In conclusion,
-every human is perfect because each person is a conscious/unconscious creator with a perfect tool (of creation/manifestation)
-to create our desired perfect life we have to understand the tool (which involves understanding ourselves by reflection)
-to change to our desired life we have to create positivity and live in the present
-we have to stop finding excuses to change to our better selves and take over responsibility
-be happy, you are your own creator and have tremendous power by nature to change your world and then the whole world

I am a not a native english speaking person so sorry for some smaller grammatical mistakes but I hope I was able to make my point. In this sense let's create a powerfully positive platform here on steemit and change the world 😊. YOU ARE ALL PERFECT!!!πŸ˜€
