I recently interviewed David Kretzmann, an analyst for the Motley Fool. Here are both parts of our interview, published on Early Investing podcast.
In the inaugural episode of Early Investing, Daniel conducts part 1 of his interview with David Kretzmann, an investment analyst for the Motley Fool. David, who just like Daniel has invested in stocks since he was 12 years old, talks about how he started investing, his first stocks, some mistakes he has made along the way, and why his nickname is "Pencils". Follow David Kretzmann on Twitter @David_Kretzmann and check out the Motley Fool at fool.com.
0:00 - Intro
0:57 - How David Got the Nickname "Pencils"
2:15 - David's Bio
3:09 - How David Started Investing
5:56 - David's First Stock
7:15 - Choosing Stocks
8:23 - Investing Changes Over Time
10:32 - Saving Money
13:55 - Learning From Mistakes
16:46 - Outro
In the second and final installment of his interview with Motley Fool investment analyst David Kretzmann, Daniel asks David about researching companies, investing in yourself, and David's takes on a stock market crash, cryptocurrency, podcasts, and mechanical pencils. Follow David Kretzmann on Twitter @David_Kretzmann and check out the Motley Fool at fool.com.
0:00 - Intro
1:43 - Investing in Stocks or Companies?
4:09 - Researching Companies
9:07 - The Over/Under: Stock Market Crash 2018
10:21 - The Over/Under: Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin
11:08 - The Over/Under: Mechanical Pencils
11:38 - The Over/Under: Podcasts in General
12:47 - Further Investing Resources
14:52 - What David Would Tell His Twelve-Year-Old Self
16:24 - Thanks to David for Coming on Early Investing
17:05 - Conclusion and Outro
Hope you enjoyed the interview! Invest early! And follow us on Instagram @EarlyInvesting for exclusive live streams!