Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Finance? What are you talking about?

in #life8 years ago

I have a passion for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and I train 5 times a week. I have a goal and I work towards it. I study videos, buy books and generally talk about it 24/7. My wife thinks I am boring.

So whats the point? I think there is a huge parallel between learning an art like BJJ and financial independence.

Both require commitment. You are never going to achieve financial freedom unless you are committed. Spending 1 hour a week on your finances gets you nowhere in the long run. If you are not committed to learning new "moves" you will continue to be tapped out by the financial blue belts. Spending a hour week learning BJJ is not going to get you anywhere either.

Both require analysis and self reflection. You have to analyze your movements, weakness and develop a "game" that works across all challengers. You need to be self critical in terms of what you are good at and what your weaknesses are. Same for financial planning. What are you doing badly? "Investing" in rubbish? Spending too much money?

Both require resilience. There will be times when you are injured in BJJ and how you come back makes you a better player. Same in Finance - sometimes you will lose the game but you have to come back.

Your teammates make a difference. Who you have in your corner to help you is critical. If you have a teammates that act like real d-bags, you will struggle to learn. If the class bully keeps calling you out you are not going to learn and its probably time to find another school. In finance its the same. If your advisor / product sales guy keeps telling you month after month to hang in there while your investment goes down the toilet, it may be time to cut your losses and move on.

Get mat time with many different people. In finance its critical to get varying opinions and knowledge about what works and what does not. What works for someone like me might not work for you but you will never know unless we engage in a conversation. Assumptions in BJJ get you tapped out and assumptions in finance make you poor.

In conclusion, you want to make sure that you have an open mind, no ego and a willingness to learn in order to be a black belt in finance. It also helps in BJJ.


Character strength to commit to something like BJJ is def highly correlated with the type of behavior that leads to financial independence. Good post!

Thanks for this post. I have two sons and they both started training in BJJ a few months ago and they love it. I can definitely see how finance and BJJ correlate.

awesome! I love the sport and i am looking forward to my son doing it one day. At age 45 its not that easy but i will keep at it.

Wow great post! I work in banking and just started BJJ about a year and a half ago and couldn't agree more!

and if your bjj gets high enough level you can charge people to teach them, that's related to financial stability!