
alex jones is a friend to trump, i wonder what he could say wrong about trump

Politics is professional wrestling in suits.

Well. To be fair: Trump has more experience in professional wrestling than any other president before him ;)

I always wonder with Alex Jones whether he really believes the stuff he puts out when it comes to mars and conspiracy theories. Some of this stuff is just so crazy that it boggles the mind that one could watch this for anything other than a fun time. Then again: InfoWars is a media empire for selling over-promising supplements, which at best is shady and at worst even straight fraudulent behavior. Is there an estimate just how much money the guy makes with his show?

The other crazy thing with Alex Jones is the remarkable times he's got it right... I remember this one for instance: Bohemian Grove :D
Jon Ronson described this story on Joe Rogan's podcast , which was amazing: