EcoKnowme for Hire. Permaculture Help to your rescue!

in #life8 years ago

I finally decided to check out the latest cool thing on my Radar.... Peerhub, a new site for us to all start taking the Steemit Platform to the next level.

I decided to put myself out there.  I have lots of training, personal study and practice in Permaculture and have been on the scene for over a decade helping those in my immediate surroundings, or those that come to see me.  I chose to put up an ad and see if anyone is interested, out there, online.  I would rather downplay myself at this point than talk myself up... but other than living off grid in a sustainable community on the Side of a mountain happily for years now, while building a home out of natural materials I don't know how many people would value learning how to do the same.  My friend @eco-alex was instrumental in pushing me off the edge (and grid) to a more sustainable lifestyle through his passion for Earthships, I return the favor by sharing my passion for permaculture.  Together we intend to make life more sustainable and enjoyable for ourselves and the environments we live in.

Feel free to ask questions below.  This is my first time doing this so any feedback on how to go about this or if you would actually like to inquire about a Permaculture consultation,   just ask.

Here if you need anything



RESTEEM for your potentially interested friends. 

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Downplaying is seldom good marketing my friend. You know your stuff, and walk your talk; shout it. Just remember what Han Solo said, "Don't get cocky, kid!"
This is a great move for you. Let me know if you need help branding.

I know, just figured i keep my cards close for now. Branding would be rad. I have some developments emerging soon, so we can chat over coffee :) Thanks man!

Really interesting idea!

HEY EVERYONE!!!! @blueperegrina is a super talented natural builder! You would be wise to get advise and tips from her for any natural building or plastering projects you might have on the go or upcoming!!! I have no idea what her rates are since I am fortunate to be her friend. But if I had some serious questions or wanted her help at a project, Every Euro spent would be spent well. There are so many talented individuals on here, I thought I would introduce them. You can also see @ehzi-dehve who has an amazing eye for detail and a fantastic knack for design. Check out his work here: Are there any goods or services you can think of that could easily be managed through these new tools?

My heart got broken over natural buildung. Not kidding. It got broken because i´ve put everything into it, me and myself the innermost. And I didn´t get paid well enough to make a living worthwhile with it. It sucks when you build your heart out of yourself, but you have to realize you´ll never get your own tiny house out of it, because it only gives enough for a day to day living. It broke my heart, and that´s why I´ve stopped. And who says that I am a teacher. It didn´t work out well the few times i tried, and I felt very uncomfortable. I am more likely a artist than a entertainer. People should go somewhere else to get there teaching, and there buildings, too. Somewhere, where they can keep driving around there two mercedes benz, while complaining about what I was asking for. I´ll tell you, there will be only one more house be build by me, and it will be mine. BastaThanks for the flowers, @ecoknowme. I´ll tell you what on monday morning:

I really appreciate hearing this other side of the story. I think for me the struggle is the very system we live in where we have to somehow position ourselves in such a way to profit from every aspect of our being. How different it would be if we could just help and teach each other and we all focused on making sure we each can have a house?

You should have cut your respond into 10 pieces, to get more Steempower!

You are an authority though. You know more than people that know nothing and that chain of knowledge has remained unbroken. Whether is was ancient people exchanging skills and goods for labour and housing, or a fancy month long Cob Building Course.... one way or another, people learn, practice and teach.

Only recently have we all had to position ourselves in such a way that we need to float in the sinking ground of these uncertain times. If you could just do things voluntarily or you WERE able to get a fair trade for your insights and work, you might not have been heartbroken, no? I don't blame you at all. I think if I had to deal with those pressures while trying to ride my passion to greener pastures, I too would be morose. But if the pressure wasn't there or the attachment to the actions weren't as dire, maybe it would have just been a stumbling block turned stepping stone. Personally I find I learn more from mistakes than successes. But I still prefer successes of course!

But I think that is why I would like to be cautious. I am not putting all my eggs in one basket or basing my next chapter on whether this works out or not. I just thought that if I put myself out there, the right people might connect. That person might not even be me, but if someone was in Australia, I would probably try to connect them with one of my friends over there for tea and see if everyone agreed with the idea. I don't want to be a Guru, I want people to have access to valuable information, but if it is presented like something on the curb, they might not understand what the fuss is about.

I dunno, I see Permaculture consultations for $2000 and it seems to mostly look like a walk around the property taking notes and pictures, but the understanding you need to have to see through time and space is a skill that requires training and practice. And that training can be expensive and inaccessible to those that need it most. Whether I give it away for free, charge $2000 or $77 or ask to stay for dinner will all be received differently by people depending on where they are coming from or how they think such transactions are suppose to take place.
I had a family come an Visit me for 3 days to talk about making a transition to a more peaceful, sustainable and natural lifestyle through Permaculture. It made me realize there are many people who are craving this information but maybe haven't spent the last 15 years studying and adoring it. If I can help people a bit that is a win. How far it can go will depend on how open our hearts are and how limited our imaginations have become. Crypto seems like an easy medium of exchange, but for now I just want to see if the systems work by using them rather than waiting to see how other people fare. Ok, that;s a post by itself. Hope to see your full heart in your own cob home someday!
(I chopped it up, like you said)

Yes, i can't wait to be in my own house, having guests for coffee and cake, and watering my garden.

Good. What was the question again? Was there any?:-)

Wow, I didn't mean to sound discouraging here. But guessing from your enthusiasm that would be hard to do anyway. ;-)Very impressive set of experiences, @ecoknowme! First I was a bit shocked by your fee, but with all those things under your belt it's well deserved. Best of luck with your clients! And I don't mean finding them (I'm sure there are plenty of them), I just hope you get the good ones. Not the kind of people that change their minds back and forth before deciding they're not interested after all... (and then fail to tell you.) If it weren't for those types, I'd be probably conducting some intensive observations on a 10 ha property right now. (On the downside I'd still be a complete stranger to cryptocurrencies and steemit, so yeay for the silver lining!)

It's an experiment at this point. There seems to be very little going on at Peerhub but much potential. People that know me know the money is just a number to insinuate that there is value. Even the free hugs people don't get takers, but sometimes the smart alics that stand beside them charging $1 a hug get takers... go figure. I am more interested in being able to use my skills remotely and in person and I never considered the possibility of just doing it. So I put the hokey ad up and hope that after a few attempts something worthwhile might be worked out and we can all find a way to no longer be limited by tine and space. I did say the first 2 clients would be strictly donation, but that could be nothing, more or less. We shall see if anything is possible. Set the bar low, then you can walk over it or rest your feet on it while you wait. ;) Constructive criticism always welcome.

Well, let's see! Unfortunately I'm not the best one to ask regarding publicizing yourself (myself). My approach is more like doing what I know, and the word is going to spread organically. It usually does, but not as fast as one would like. But I keep my finger crossed for your experiment.

If it is not as fast as one would like, then perhaps the natural farming approach to self promotion would benefit from a little compost? I suppose it just depends on your stance. All I did was put up something most people will ignore. I too do mostly word of mouth, but I also don't tell people that I can do these things. Now I am just trying to remind myself and others that we can do this sort of thing and being able to do what you love is usually enough, for me at least. But thank you for the finger crossing. oh yeah, random.... Was wondering if you wanted to help me write an article about intensifying the medicinal component of Permaculture and try to encourage gardeners and farmers to start planting perennial medicinals from around the world. First for their own health and access to proven plant/fungi medicines and secondly to anticipate the huge demand for Asian tonic herbs, and other parts of the world. Been taking some adaptogens for a while now and I wish my Permies friends would get in on it because we could literally grow our own magic potions. Rhemannia, He Shou Wu, Rhodiola, Polygala, Albizia Tree, Astragalus (Nitrogen fixer !!!) Ginseng, of course) and Reishi as an end game for plum orchards etc etc etc see where I am going with this????? Lemme know your thoughts... I liked that moment when we realized posts can be edited in the course of a week. I could write something then you copy paste and add or edit as you please and we keep going til we have something bigger than the sum of our parts. I suppose we could both publish it too, though I don;t really have a coherent follower base, so you could actually fair better with it. whaddyathink?

Wow... I'm not quite sure I am ready for this. Authoring a post together, meaning we'd copy-paste back and forth. Sounds a bit like sitting down between two chairs. Let me think about it. Also, I don't think I'm really qualified write about medicinal herbs, as I don't have much knowledge in that field. However, we could include lots of other folks who do, to contribute voluntarily, maybe in form of a type of contest. Okay, these ideas are nowhere to being well developed, more like a brain storm to think about. Interesting suggestion anyway.

yeah I figured I could cover the Medicinal side, but the permaculture applications and refinement of the idea could come from you and others. Maybe I just write it and you can pick it apart or chime in some ideas I might be missing. If people are willing to let Jeruselem artichokes take up a bunch of space in the off chance they need some emergency starches... they could probably work the edges or fill gaps with beautiful flowers that happen to be super valueable if you leave them to grow for a few years. 10 year old Ginseng could be treated like how forested areas are used for retirement or college funds decades later. I'll try to put the idea together soon :) anything is welcome.

Hey @ecoknowme, I left a direct message in the slack group we've chatted in before. I'm still not too fond of co-authoring articles (not saying no, but still gotta warm up to the idea). However, there is another idea about a potential group effort in the brewing. It has to do with a contest, lots of interactive participation, and homestead products to win. In the slack message I wrote more about it, but not the details. They still need to be worked out, hopefully in a group effort as well. :-)

Wow. I think this is very cool. You have an impressive set of knowledge that many would benefit from. I hope this takes off for you! Resteeming for increased visibility!

Thanks you! and for the Resteem! Hoping it (permaculture as a whole) takes off for people who might really need it too :) Victory gardens bring Victory with or without Troubling Times.