Why is the Yogi Weeping?

in #life8 years ago

How are you feeling about the World these days?  If you wish to read the story of the Weeping Yogi Man, check the link below.

Charlottesville: Race and Terror – VICE News Tonight on HBO

The Legend of the Yogi Man (Orang Malu) also known as “The Weeping Buddha” or “Shy Man Buddha”

Crazy Wise Trailer:

A quote I read:

"If  we live in a Psychopathic culture that feeds us notions of dualism  creating schizophrenic people with no Wise people or Shamans to  consult.... what happens?  Dualism is the problem.  Not the 'normals' vs  the 'abnormals'  or any sense of 'other'.
 We are all suffering from this system and want to blame anyone but ourselves for our own complicit participation in insanity.  Now go punch your way to peace, or join me by the fire.  
There's tea.  For everyone."

"Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed."

Where are we going?



Something to think about.