Let’s be honest with the next question, how did you feel when you wake up this morning? Probably the first thing you did was turn off the alarm and sleep 5 minutes more, that later became on 15 minutes and you had to wake up of from bed rushing to take a shower, grab an unhealthy breakfast for you and your family, drop the kids at school in a rush or drive to work, but you sleep 8 hours right, so why do you feel so tired and stress.
That’s what I call waking up in reactive mode; waking up in the morning and react to something else we don’t have control over. A lot of people do wake up this way, we turn off the alarm, we grab our cellphone to check emails, to check social networks, hear or read a bunch of bad news on the radio/television, thinking about the unsolved problems that are expecting us at work, the debts that have to be pay, etc. Now let me tell you something, waking up in this way is dangerous, because it puts you in this mood for the rest of the day.
STOP! And say loud with me, “I deny to wake up like this everyday, starting today”. But how we are supposed to do this, simple, becoming proactive; meaning creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened. Our mornings should be proactive, and we are going to achieved creating a morning routine. We are going to create a plan and assessments long before the situation takes places, and this would create the power we are looking for.
Do you really need to do this? Sure, do you know what most of successful leaders and entrepreneurs have in common? Yes, is exactly what you are thinking, they are early riser and execute a morning ritual/routine even before the sunrise. We had Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, like to swims around his island, then play tennis before sitting for a healthy breakfast; Tim Armstrong, CEO of AOL, get up at 5am to fit in some reading and workout; Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post, starts every morning with 30 minutes of meditation; the list goes on and guess how will be in this list too, yes you, because you are successful too.
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